Chapter 2

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The golden haze begins to rise as the glistening green leaves rustle in the trees with the sweet gust of a breeze flowing around me. The long grass sweeping against me feet as I stroll towards my vegetation allowing the water pour onto the stem and the glistening leaves. The sky being painted with unique strokes of pink and orange causing by the clouds surrounding the sun at this beautiful moment at six o'clock in the morning. I sigh, breathing in the cold air letting it go through me body, refreshing my body and helping my mind relax as I stand straight. It's been three months since I escaped the compound and I have been able to just step back, I was able to think of the past seven years of my life that have caused me so many issues and many mental problems. I feel a fluff graze beside my leg as I look down and see my favourite, Raya, my gorgeous tabby cat that took an extreme liking to me after I finished building me cabin here. Ii started building my home after I ran from my old life. It took only a month building this house with my strange serum coming in handy and helping me get the job done quickly. In the mean time though I found a cave I was able to hid under helping me when I needed to sleep. This place is a pure work of art I can not lie, I can not get over my building skills.

I also fixed, well ok not really fixed but have been able to come to terms wit the recent years of my life and in wat spots the have effected me. I was able to write out my problems in my notebook and sit and think of the source of the problems i was faced with. I was able to understand why Bucky leaving me in the base was so upsetting and how it played a negative affect of my view of the people around me. I could now comprehend how even though I saw hydra as my only family, how the people in the base treated me like a stray dog that wandered onto their property and that they had no care to check and see if I was alright but rather to sit and watch as I struggled. All these issues have always been in my mind and being able to sit back and think truly about the person I am, not was since I am honestly the same person, but how I can work on improving myself and helping myself get to the level of trusting and understanding others without using manipulation. It has become a place to ditch my problems and work on fixing instead of pushing them to the back of my mind like I was always taught to do.

I walk back into my house at 8, to put breakfast on for myself after sitting out and watch the multiple stages of the sunrise. I turn on the stove and cook myself scrambled eggs with a few spinach leaves mixed in causing me to gain a few of my five a day through different meals. I sway to the music I have playing from my phone as I cook and think deeply about what ill have to drink, since its either freshly squeezed juice or water and judging then water would help with digestion it still doesn't taste as nice as fresh juice tastes as you're eating scrambled eggs. Juice it is. I pour the egg onto a plate going over the the bowl of orange I have and draining the juice from the inside. I finally sit down and start to eat my meal. I scroll through the different news articles on my phone and what the avengers may be up to right now. I see an interesting news headline that reads "BREAKING: AVENGERS NEW ENEMY SHOWN TO BE MOVING IN CLOSE ON THE CITY" So that's what I've heard in the forest during the sleepless nights, I was wandering what animal may be living out there but never had the guts to check, what? just because I'm technically a super soldier still doesn't mean I cant have my fears! especially when you live in a forest on your own, I'm not trying to have an ending like a horror movie.

I finish my breakfast and move to wash the dishes. I'm mindlessly scrubbing the dishes as I hear footsteps around my property, the hell could that be. I keep scrubbing, focusing on washing the grease the scrambled eggs left. I keep an eye on the water flowing onto the bowl and how such a delicate thing can push such tough material off the bowl. I soon hear a thump, that can never be good, I was always taught if a thump is heard you need to investigate immediately. I push my door open but cant seem to open it all the way, huh maybe it needs new, nope never mind. I look down to see a collapsed man at the bottom of my feet, he's quite good looking if I'm honest, seems to be tall, 6 foot off, lovely tanned skin with both brown hair and eyes. Something about him seems so familiar but I just can't place it. I see blood trickling down the side of his head and his clothes seem to be in a bad way. I heard a distant screech and heavy footsteps echoing through the forest and I quickly pick the man up and shut the door, not forgetting to lock it. I carry him into my house trough the halls and into the bathroom where I sit him down and begin to clean his wounds.

The man begins to stir and scrunch his eyes under the alcohol being placed on his forehead. I hope he doesn't have a full freak out when he opens his eyes or that'll make things so much harder. I sit back and let him take in his surroundings, he is obviously very confused and looks kind of scared. I go to introduce myself when I suddenly I hear

"Kali?" He's there squinting, holding his hand up to the light looking at my face and analysing it. Now I have in fact changed, dyed my hair black and its now quite long but nothing else is very different. I stare at the man more when it hits me

"Bucky?" I say in shock

Bucky jumps into a proper sitting position and suddenly, hugs me? this man i left on the roof on the building after kicking his ass which i now do feel bad about since he didn't deserve that honestly, is now sitting on my toilet looking like he just got into the worst fight I've ever seen. I have so many questions for this man but all I can do is hug back and wrap my arms a bit tighter. I take this chance to smell home and let's just say he'll definitely be using my shower cause Jesus he reeks

"What in the hell are you doing living out in the woods by yourself?" Bucky asks as he pulls back but keeps a firm grasp on both my shoulders waiting for my reply

"Well after our fight I ran into the woods not really looking where I went and stumbled across an opening that I decided I'd live in. Took a while to build but I think I've done a good job." I reply very nonchalantly and to my surprise he chuckles

"Course! Only you would do that" he glances up at me doing that look that drives me the tiniest bit insane inside

"Yeah. only me I guess"

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