Chapter 8

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I grinned down at my phone, taking a sip of my searing hot coffee. Soon after I had sent the text, my phone buzzed and I sheepishly looked down at it, seeing my brothers immediate reply.

From: Hazza Banana

Don't you dare touch her Ed, or I will kill you. And I'm not your baby brother! We're the same age, bloody hell!

I smirked, simply sending him a wink face before stuffing my phone in my pocket. The table jolted as someone slid into the booth opposite me and I looked up to be greeted with a grinning red head. "Did you enjoy your coffee?" Emily asked, leaning forward to observe my empty cup. I nodded, looking at her closely.

Her small spatter of freckles across her nose were barely there, only visible if you looked close enough. Her green eyes sparkled with her wide grin and her circle shaped face was soft and loving, giving her a innocent look. I could tell exactly why Harry had fallen for her, being the beautiful girl that she was.

"So, where do you want to go?" She asked casually, sitting back and crossing her ivory coloured arms across her chest. "I was wondering if you would like to go out for a bite to eat. It's a friendly gesture, yes?" I winked, standing up with a stretch. Emily followed suit and we walked out of the cafe, a safe distance from each other.

"So have you talked to Harry recently?" I casually asked, casting her a sideways glance. She blushed slightly and looked down at the pavement with a small smile. "I talk to him more than once every day." She answered. I nodded, slowly grinding my jaw. "How long have you been seeing each other?" I asked, hoping I didn't come off as weird for asking. "Well, it's about a month and a half if you count his courting." She laughed.

I looked at her with a quizzical frown. "Harry Styles courted you?" She giggled with a nod, looking around as if she was picturing it in her mind. "When we actually met, Harry had kicked a ball at my head. It was crazy, and he was so full of himself, leading me to believe I'd never see him again. But then somehow he found where I worked and came in, being suave in his coats and jeans.

"Every time he would come in, every day for that manner, he would buy two coffees and leave one behind for me with his number on the lid. I never called him though, enjoying how hard he was trying. Then one day, he only bought one coffee and left. I was so pissed off, but I kind of blamed myself for not calling. Then that night he called and asked to go out on a date...and the rest is history." She finished with a sigh.

"Yeah, that sounds like Harry." I muttered, picturing how he would've acted to win her over. "You make out like he's a bad guy." Emily half laughed, looking up at me. I shook me head vigorously, my curls bouncing around as I did so. "No, Harry's a good guy. He just better treat you right of he'll pay." I stated simply. I earned an eyebrow raise from Emily, but I pretended to not notice, concentrating on all the restaurants, cafés and bars lining the street.

"How about 'Paublo's Bistro'?" I asked her, pushing into the small restaurant and holding the door for her. We were seated and casually ordered a mozzarella pizza to share. Sitting there quietly, I played with the napkin in front of me, thinking of what I could say. It wasn't normal for me to be lost for words.

"So how long will you bee staying with Harry?" Emily startled me and I looked up at her with a dumbfounded expression. "Huh?" OH, uh, well for about a month and a half, and a week has already" I trailed off, giving her a nervous smile. "Oh." Was all Emily replied with and I gave her a questioning frown. "No, it's just that it's a very long time, I'm really surprised..." She looked down with a blush and I felt that that wasn't the only reason as to why she was 'surprised'.

I wanted to ask her if that was the only reason but was interrupted by an old woman placing our pizza in front of us. "Enjoy you two love birds, call if you need anything." My heart jumped and my head snapped up to look at the woman, my eyes wide. "We're not going out." Emily was quick to state, shaking her head vigorously. The woman held up her hands in surrender and slowly backed away. "Okay, I'm just saying that you would look cute together." My mouth dropped open in shock, unable to say anything as we watched the lady walk away.

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