Chapter 2- The Proposal

Start from the beginning

"Guys, it's true!! I just saw Chief kissing P' Seetian!" Ayi shouts as he comes out the classroom. I hear mixed sounds that sound excited from some of the other kids outside. Tian looks at me and giggles a bit, then goes back to packing his stuff. 

"You ready to go home?" I ask. 

"Yes." Tian says, as we walk out the school Tian holds on to my hand. We've done it many times before, and most the village know we're dating, but I guess it hasn't gone through the mind of the kids yet. 

we walk past a few of them, and they all smile and giggle as we wave at them... 


Tian's POV 

I dressed a little over the occasion today, I wore a pair of dark slacks and  a smart shirt. It's getting hotter here so I wanted to put something light on. 

I looked over to Phupha who was sitting at the edge of our bed, twiddling his thumbs. He looked nervous. Why was he nervous? It can't be something bad, he's taking me out on a date. Why would it be bad? 

"You look nice." I said to try and calm him. He looked up at me, but he looked slightly pale. 

"Thank you. Are you ready to go?" He asked, raising himself from the bed. 

"Yes." I said with a smile. He got up and gripped onto my hand like a child would on the way to a dentist. I chuckled looking at his hand and then looked back up to him. 

"You seem eager." I said, trying to ease the tension visible on his face. He laughed a little and loosened his grip. 

The car journey was awfully quiet. It wasn't awkward or anything, but I could see Phupha gripping the wheel of the car, his hands slightly shaking. 

"Chief. You look nervous. Is everything ok naa? Do you want to say something?" 

"Wha- what no.. Haha no, don't worry." 

"Ok then. Maybe I'm imagining it." I know I'm not. But I'd at least like him to feel a little less uncomfortable while we're driving. I try making conversation to him, talking about the kids, our work, how our days went, the sort of thing we always do. But his answers were so short I'm running out of things to say. 

"How was your day?" 


"What did you do today?" 

"Not much." 

"How's work going?" 


God, what will it take to get a word out of this guy. I know well something is making him nervous, but I know he's too stubborn to just tell me about it, so I have to try another way. I took a psychology course during my studies, and I should ask him a number of irrelevant questions in a period of time and then ask him the question I truly want to know the answer to during it, to get his answer out. 



"What's your favourite colour?" 


"How long left of the journey?" 

"Roughly 10 minutes." 

"Do you like chicken noodle soup?" 

"Yes, it's good." 

"Why are you nervous?" 

"Because I don't know if you'll say yes or not." 

"Wait what? Say yes to what?" I said, confused. 

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