The Trials(1)

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This is the second story in this book. It takes place on his trek to Arctica. I want to add that I make reference to things from both the books of "The Wildcat's Claw" and "Fire and Ice". On that same note, if you have not read those books recently i suggest that you brush up on them. I want to reiterate once more that I do my research, so if anything is out of place DO NOT HESITATE to tell me. I mean this seriously, I love researching things, and this book should  fit it seamlessly with the real series. A perfect Segway into a reminder that I do not own any of the copyrights to the spirit animal book series and this is only a fan fiction. Happy reading!

Gransfen ran his hand over the smooth surface of Wilco's coat. It was smooth, but weathered. Shiny, but dark. Most of all it was the one thing that gave him comfort.

They had been traveling north non-stop for the past week, and they were getting close to the northernmost part of Eura. Gransfen had no way of knowing where to go, but mysteriously Wilco seemed to know the exact path to Arctica.

It had been years since their famous defeat of the Crimson Raider, and everyone knew their names, but their trials were far from over. At this very moment they were in a race against time to get Suka's crystal talisman, the only object that could possibly earn them victory against the Anoushi, a band of the marked, who had recently taken control of key cities throughout Eura. But if it had just been that, then he and Wilco could have destroyed the Anoushi, but of course that wasn't the near end of it, Gransfen thought with a sigh. Leaders all over Eura were bowing down to the Anoushi. He had been expecting full out support and assistance with handling this group of bandits, instead he had been met with uncertainty, and empty promises. So Gransfen had done the only thing he could think of, he went down to one of the captured towns and killed the leaders of the Anoushi, who were there. Well, after that, things only went downhill. He was announced to be a traitor and sentenced to life in prison. Of course neither him, nor Wilco was going to let that happen, so they packed up and left.

Wilco was now leading him towards Suka, the legendary Great Beast. They hoped to get her crystal talisman to save Eura, and to have a chance at stopping the Anoushi.

They had been traveling along a road, next to a river, and whenever anyone would pass along the road Gransfen would call Wilco into a passive state, and walk along, pretending to be a beggar. Gransfen was not one to usually hide, but the famous wildcat, and it's human partner were hardly forgettable, so Gransfen bit his tongue and continued on.

The open, grassy expanses of northern Eura, provoked harsh winds, and cold nights, lucky for him, Wilco was like a volcano. She generated heat equal to only that of a blazing fire. She was dangerous and fierce. And don't even get me started on her roar, thought Gransfen. Wilco nudged his shoulder with her head, bringing him, and his thoughts, back to the dusty road, and open landscape. He glanced at her, clearly she had seen, or noticed something. They rounded a bend in the road and saw a cross road, with many travelers there. With a flash of heat, Wilco disappeared into a tattoo on his bicep.

As he neared the makeshift camp, he looked down the road that Wilco had wanted them to continue on. He could see the river that had been going parallel to the road, diverged. He decided that he would camp here with other travelers for a night, to refill with water, and get supplies. There was a large open space that he set up camp on. The frosty grass crunched under his foot There were so many people around that it looked like a small village. He stocked up on supplies, and food. There were a fair amount of option for a small crossroads, and he spent some time picking out a new sheath for his sword, a new satchel, and water bottle, as well as dried meats, fruit and a large bag of nuts that Gransfen was not particularly excited about, but was a fair price. He had a hasty chat with a girl who was selling him weapons. Apparently there was nothing north of here except Samis, which according to her, she had just been to. I guess that's where Wilco wants to go he thought to himself. He left the conversation quicker than he normally would have for fear of being recognized. Something pricked his senses, some part of him remembered Samis even though he knew that he had never been here before. He brushed it aside, he knew that he had bigger fish to fry.

The next morning after a breakfast of dried fruits, and meats, he packed up once more and headed off. Once he was about an hour, or so down, he released Wilco. Wilco was happy to be free, she nipped at what Gransfen assumed to be a small rodent, in the ditches, at the side of the road. He continued on for a bit, once in a while catching sight of some caribou, a few fields off.

Soon they reached the edge of Samis, where there was a wall around the outside, not a very big one, it looked old and flimsy, encased in lichen, and moss. But what really caught Gransfen's eye was that where there had been frost coating the ground on his long trek up , there seemed to be a circle of green grass surrounding Samis. Gransfen didn't know why and at the moment some green grass was the least of his concerns. Wilco disappeared into a tattoo and he set off. Gransfen was greeted by friendly smiles and waves. Perhaps because of it's remote location, or its small population, Samis didn't have many traders. Sure he saw a traveling merchant here and there, but for the most part it was quiet.

He wanted to find someone to point him in the right direction to whoever was in charge here. Everyone seemed to be busy though. He passed a small field , with a large weeping willow growing beside it. He noticed that the houses were all very similar with the same bark roofs, and grey stone, for the foundation. And on most steps to the houses there flew a flag with a great white polar bear on it. Suka!

Suddenly he remembered how he had known Samis. It was from the songs his parents used to sing when he was a little boy. He struggled to remember the lyrics, something was special about this town, and it had to do with Suka. Then with a flash of memory he remembered that, according to the songs, Suka had shown favor to this town. That was why there was no snow here, because somehow Suka was protecting it.

A reminder that this took place well before Suka froze herself, and is therefor before Samis was secluded from the world, and before the pond had life giving waters. 

Finally he spotted someone that didn't appear to be busy. A girl was sitting on a bench that looked as if to be made of bone. She was in her mid-thirties, her hair was a dark blond color, and when called out to ask for directions, she turned and offered him a smile that seemed completely genuine.

"Hello, I am looking for the lord, or mayor of this village. Would you know where to find him?" Gransfen asked

"Of course," she returned brightly, "you're looking at her."

Granfens jaw dropped, and he mumbled some sort of apology.

She was unfazed, "Yes, I am the mayor of Samis. Who are you?"

Gransfen told her that he was a traveler called Henner. He didn't know any Henners, but as he was passing through the town he heard someone call out the name, and it was the first one that popped into his mind.

She responded quickly,

"Hello Henner, nice to meet you. I'm Pia"

If you do not remember Pia then you may not get any of the references here, so sorry. 

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