"Burst into my room like that and soon you won't have any legs to do that with" I snap.

He scoffs, "Dinner? It's your night to pay"

"Fine, but then I get to pick where we eat. Get shoes on, we have to walk since Kendall has the car" Elijah nods and walks away, getting ready.

I walk into my closet throwing on a purple crop top and black sweatpants and shoes. Grabbing my phone and wallet, we meet at the front door.

After block, after block, we finally came to a stop in front of Apple Bees. We both decide on this. I had a nice paycheck from my last job and it was not my turn to pay the bills for the house. We walk in the front doors and wait to be seated.

The waitress takes us to our seats and we sit down at a table for two. I spot Elijah looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I ask him. He looks at a couple of tables behind me. I turn around and see a boy with a bright red mohawk sitting at a table with Miguel.

Elijah only knows what they look like because he's seen pictures of Hawk and has walked in on me face timing Miguel.

I gulp and quickly turn around. "Ignore them and pick something to order," I tell Elijah. He listens and picks up the menu. Luckily, they didn't notice us.

The waitress brings us both water and walks away.

"Don't order anything too expensive, please. I need to save some money"

"I know, I know," he says. "Uh, Trystan"

I look up from my menu. "what now" I ask.

"They're coming over. Hawk and Miguel" he quickly says.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, turning my head to find them standing next to the table.

"Trystan!" Hawk says, excitedly.

I roll my eyes. "Hawk. Miguel"

"Excuse me, Miss!"Hawk yells to the waitress. "Can we connect our tables?" Unfortunately, the waitress nods.

"sorry" Miguel mouths to me and I just shake my head.

Hawk grabs one end of their table while Miguel grabs the other, connecting it with ours.

"I don't think this is a good idea," I tell them.

"Why not? We're just connecting with an old friend, princess" Hawk smirks. He turns to my brother, putting his hand out. "What's up, man. Hawk"

Elijah's hand meets his. "Elijah"

I know what he's doing and it's not going to work.

"Don't call me that" I snap at Hawk.

Miguel puts his hands on the table. "You both need to put whatever the hell happened that night behind you and get the fuck along."

Miguel pulls the seat out next to Elijah and sits down. While Hawk sits down in the chair next to me. I roll my eyes and look forward at Elijah.

"Maybe we could get along if Hawk wasn't such a douchebag." I cross my arms.

"No, maybe we could get along if she'd talk to me and let me explain" Hawk defends himself.

Miguel groans. "Here's what we're going to do. Elijah we're going to stay here at the table and become new friends. Trystan and Hawk, you're going outside and figuring this shit out. You two fight like an old married couple." He looks at both of us. We both just sit there and ignore what he said. "Go!" he demands.

I quickly stand up and leave the restaurant first. Once I'm outside, I lean up against the wall with my back against it. He comes out behind me and stands in front of me.

"You really think I'm a douchebag?" he asks me.

I roll my eyes, "No I think you're the sweetest person ever. Of course, I think you're a douchebag!"

He paces back and forth with his hand on his forehead. "Are you going to let me talk or..."

"Fine. Explain." I say.

"I don't know what it was about that day. The night before was when Moon and I started talking. I invited her to the tournament. We didn't confirm if we were dating or not." He starts.

"See that's all I need to know. You have a girl-"

"Shut up Trystan! Let me talk, damn" He snaps. I listen and close my mouth. "I don't know, I just saw something with you that I don't see with her. That's why I invited you to the party after and got your number. I do really like you" he admits.

I know there's a but somewhere in his explanation.

"After what happened at the party, my feelings got stronger for you. I began to think about you every day and it just got worse after you wouldn't answer my texts. I thought we really had a connection"

"But you have a girlfriend," I say, disappointed.

"But I have a girlfriend," He repeats.

I've been hearing things like this my whole life. The person explains how much they love and care for you but they always have a reason not to. It's exactly why I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to feel the hurt that came with it after.

"I really want to be friends with you though. I'm sorry-"

I'm trying so hard to not lash out at him. I just moved here and I need to make friends.

"Hawk it's fine. I only want to be friends too....I'll meet you inside" I lie. I don't want to be only friends but I'm also not going to let him know that.

He nods and opens the door slightly before pausing and looking back at me. He frowns and confused about what to do. He decides to go back in. Once he's officially gone I slide down the brick wall until I reach the ground. I didn't want to talk to him, I didn't want to hear the words again.

I just sit there with my hand on my forehead. No tears, nothing. Just silence. I'm not upset that he doesn't want me to be his girlfriend. I'm upset that he has lead me on for so long and he said all the things he likes about me, just for it to end with a reason he can't.

"Trystan?" Elijah runs out the front door to find me sitting there. I quickly stand up to face him.

"Did you order anything?" I ask him.


"Good. Were leaving. We'll stop somewhere the way home if you want food." I tell him. He grabs my hand and holds it in his. I look at him and smile.

Holding hands is something he and I started when our mom died. It means that were together in whatever is happening or hurting one of us. We have each other's backs.

Losing My Edge || Hawk Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now