"Oh please, we both know you give me attention amidst your work. Like walking up and watching me while I'm working, staring at me while I'm getting ready, stealing glances in the car, and looking up now and then from your laptop to me whenever you are working late and I'm busy chatting in the girls' group which Sara and Alia created and added me and Foziah." She took a large bite of chocolate and I smiled sitting in front of her on the bed.

"Besides, it's you who needs my attention!" She licks her lips making the click sound.

"I don't need your attention, I just have to remove my shirt or roll my sleeves up." Her eyes instantly fall on my half-bare arms.

"I suppose that is why you roll your sleeves up? To gain my attention?" She arched an eyebrow.

"Honestly? It has been my habit but when I noticed how you gawk at my bare arms I started doing it more often." She rolled her eyes though her cheeks turned a bit red. "Come on, I can't waste the hard work I do at my workout."

"You just love to flaunt your muscles! As if I have not seen how fashionably you walk in the corridors while rolling up your sleeves and running a hand through your hairs."

"I would just love to say that I'm showing off my hard work but no, I want to say that I'll do that often to see the jealousy side of my wife." I look carefully at her clenched jaw and tight grip on chocolate.

"Jerk!" She muttered throwing the wrapper on my face.

"So, you accept you are jealous." I inch towards her as I encircle my arm around her waist. She lifts her eyes to meet mine.

"I do! Tell me you don't get jealous when someone else eyes me?"

"I don't get jealous, it evokes my protective side for you," I reply honestly.

"God, you are so..." She gazes at me intently as she gives a dramatic pause, "Stupid! Yeah stupid!" She nodded to herself unsure.

"Why do I have a feeling you wanted to say something like cute, lovely, and adorable?" I look at her with a grin.

She rolls her eyes yet her lips twitch up, "You really are stupid."

"Yeah, your stupid," I whisper as I hug her. The silence and darkness felt peaceful with my arms around her. She keeps her chin on my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me. I don't think I'll ever get enough of her hugs, they are so comforting.

"Do you think whatever Foziah and Asad did was right?" She asked breaking the silence.

"They are adults, they know what they are doing," I whisper as I kiss the side of her head.

Today morning Foziah had called and asked us to meet her at the restaurant in the afternoon along with Alia and DD.

"Let's skip we will miss our flight," I whisper to Avni as we head out after saying bye to our family.

"Alia and DD are already sitting in the car. Besides we can't leave just like that knowing she wanted to talk something serious." Avni hissed back rolling her eyes.

"Be careful." Mom said as she stood a few steps behind us.

"Yeah, mom." I tilt to look at her, Avni just smiled at her.

"Don't romance in the water, you may suffer from fever." She gave us a pointed look. Considering we are going to Hawaii and booked our room on the beachside as per Avni's wish this was necessary to note down but it is September and the temperature is going to be warm.

"Sure mom, please let us know where and how to romance!" I reply sarcastically. In return, she glared at me while Avni slapped my arm.

"We will take care of ourselves." Avni smiled at her before we got in the car and drove.

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