Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

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Alec disconnected the phone call and stuffed his phone into his pocket, his eyes falling on the Shadowhunter at our feet.

"Is he on his way?" I asked.

As if to answer my question there was a strong gust of wind as Magnus Bane suddenly appeared in the living room. Once again he was dressed in an expensive suit. This one was white with black stitching, and underneath he wore a black shirt with a red tie. His hair was spiked like the first time I saw him, and I could see the eyeliner framing his yellow cat eyes behind his glasses. The warlock stood with his back straight and one hand casually shoved into his pocket. A cocky grin tugged at the corner of his lips. The charisma that rolled off the warlock screamed sex appeal. Even with his casual stance he looked regal. But there was a lethalness about him. He was like a wild animal; beautiful to admire from a distance, dangerous to approach.

Magnus's eyes widened as he surveyed the condition of the apartment and he grimaced when he saw the dead Shadowhunter. "Please tell me you're all playing an intense game of charades," he said.

"Demon killed her," Alec explained, crossing his arms.

Magnus's bright eyes flicked over to me. "Why are you not wearing a shirt?"

I flushed and stumbled over my words, but before I could make a coherent response Alec butted in.

"He has necrophilia."

"Ew," Magnus said.

My face burned even worse than before. "I do not have necrophilia!" I shouted.

Alec patted me on the shoulder. "The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem."

I punched him in the arm. "Shut up, asshole!"

"Jace, don't hit my boyfriend," Magnus chided, though not without a smile.

Alec laughed and rubbed his arm. "I'm just messing with you, man. Don't blush so hard. It makes you look guilty."

"The only thing I'll be guilty of is throttling you in your sleep," I muttered.

"So, gentlemen," Magnus said cheerfully, "how can I be of assistance?"

"Can you look at this woman's body and see if you can find anything out of the ordinary?" Alec asked.

The warlock blinked. "I wasn't aware that I should be writing 'experienced coroner' on my resume. I don't understand how you expect me to help you out with this."

Alec wiggled his fingers. "You kind of have an advantage, Mr. Magic Hands."

Magnus grinned devilishly. "My hands do work magic, don't they, Alec, love?"

I clamped my hands over my ears. "Whoa! Too much information!"

Alec and Magnus both laughed. The warlock strode across the room and placed himself between Alec and I, tilting his head as he gazed down at the deceased woman. He crouched down and traced his fingers delicately over the curve of the woman's cheek. They trailed down her throat, over the gaping wound there, down past her collarbone and came to rest on her chest. Magnus pushed his palm flat against her chest and cocked his head to the side, as if listening to a strange noise.

"What is it?" Alec prompted.

"I can't be sure," Magnus replied quietly. "I'll need to take a closer look. Let's go back to our place."

The warlock reached his arm out and aimed his palm to the area of the apartment where he had appeared. Blue sparks shot out from his hand as he muttered an incantation. I watched in amazement as a portal began to materialize in the room. I'd read about portals enough to know what they looked like, but never in my life had I actually used one. My stomach did a flip as I realized Alec and Magnus did not know I was inexperienced with portals. It felt embarrassing to have to admit it. It made me feel like a child.

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