Life isn't beautiful because it lasts

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Josuke was finally released from that dreadful hospital a few weeks ago, his wounds fully healed. It was great to be back in a familiar place, not having to look at those bleak white walls all the time, dealing with people he didn't know. But even after returning to the comfort of his own home, of his own bed, the nightmares of that dreaded day never went away, never lessened. The pain, the regrets, the fear, they never left either, still scorched into his mind, in his very soul. You'd think that after 3 months, Josuke wouldn't still hurt this much inside, but that wasn't the case. In fact, it seemed like it just got worse as time went on.

For the third night in a row that week, Josuke startled awake in a cold sweat, panting lightly. Another nightmare. Everyone he cared about had died at the hands of Kira. Just like the last nightmare. And all the ones before that.

Josuke took a shaky breath, trying to calm himself down.

It was just a nightmare, none of it was real. But that wasn't completely true. He really did fight a serial killer who blew things up with a pink, cat like stand. He really did almost die several times to said stand. He really did almost lose everyone he cared about to said killer. His best friend really did die, and there was nothing he could've done about it, all because he couldn't heal him in time.

The teen sighed softly, running a hand through his messy hair. He had no idea how he was supposed to handle something like this. Should he just keep it inside and hope it all went away soon? Yeah, that was a terrible idea. It probably wouldn't anyway. Should he talk to someone about it? Who would he even talk to? His mom wouldn't be able to understand. He didn't want to bother Koichi, and he wasn't very close to Yukako. Mr. Joestar and Jotaro-san were back in America, and Josuke needed someone who was actually there and not overseas. That left only one person.

Rohan Kishibe.

Josuke's crush.

Would Rohan even want to talk to Josuke, let alone about something like this? Sure, they got along better then they had a few months ago, but Josuke was still pretty sure Rohan was generally annoyed by his presence. And the fact he had a secret crush on the mangaka didn't make things any better in this situation.

With another sigh, Josuke pulled himself from his bed, putting on some clothes, deciding he needed to talk to someone about it, and Rohan was his only option right now. He decided to leave his hair down just this once, before quietly sneaking out of the house to make sure he didn't wake up his mom. And with that, he was off to the mangaka's house in the middle of the night.


Rohan yawned softly as he finished up the last page for the next chapter of his manga. He looked over at his clock, checking the time. 12:23 am. Not the latest he's stayed up working. He stood up and stretched, loud pops and cracks coming from his aching bones. He was about to head to his room and start getting ready for bed, when a knock on his door caught his interest. Who could be up at this hour? Rohan headed downstairs and opened the door, to reveal none other than Josuke Higashikata standing on his front porch. Before he had time to really process what was happening, the not-so-pompadour-adorned teen quickly walked up to the shorter man, pulling him into a tight hug, catching the mangaka off guard. Normally he would hastily push the taller man away, scolding him for invading his personal space, even if he did secretly enjoy it, but upon hearing the sniffles of the now crying young man, Rohan decided not to do anything about it this time. Instead he awkwardly returned the hug, giving Josuke a few light pats on the back, not sure what else to do.

After a few moments, Josuke calmed down a bit, pulling away from the comfort of Rohan's grasp, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Sorry," he mumbled, slightly embarrassed that he had lost control of his emotions like that, especially in front of his crush.

Life isn't beautiful because it lasts - (Josuke x Rohan)Where stories live. Discover now