Random stuff that just happened that I feel like sharing because I'm me

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Did me and my friends just have a pick up line contest yes yes we did did I use chemistry pick up lines because I felt my inner kuroo yes yes I did
Are they now spamming my phone yes yes they are
Speaking random languages yes yes we are currently
Is one trying to prove the fact that she isn't a bottom(in a platonic way she's ace and we're minors) why yes
Has this been happening in the last 30 minutes in one singular group chat yes

Also I will be adding two more ships to this book because I got suggestions and I'm very happy about it they are hiroo and sakunami as well as matsuhana

Thank you blackdemon2010

And Sugas confession will be very soon as soon as I like plan out what he's gonna do
2 to 3 days max because I have to get vaccines tomorrow

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