I- Gravebone Island

Start from the beginning

Nami: We will, don't worry. The boys should be steering the ship out of harm's way as we speak.

The two girls then heard cheering and yelling.

Usopp: Come on, Zoro! You can do it!

Chopper: I believe in you! Save us!

Sanji: Stop being a show-off!!

The girls turned and saw Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji watching Zoro draw his sword and point it at the cyclone.

Zoro: I'm gonna cut this thing in half!

Vivi/Nami: AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Nami ran over to the boys and beat them up.


Luffy rubbed his head.

Luffy: It'll be much faster if we cut it though.

Zoro: Yeah. Leave this to me.

Nami: <pissed> I've had enough of your stupidity! If we don't get out of the cyclone's way, our ship will be destroyed and we will all die! Do you want to die?

Luffy/Zoro: <nonchalantly> No.

Nami: Then get the ship out of the cyclone's way, damn it!

Usopp: <scared> U-Uh... Nami?

He pointed a shaky finger up.

Nami: What?

She gasped when she saw the cyclone right next to the ship and moving fast.

Nami: You have got to be kidding me. That's it. We're dead.

The cyclone hit the ship, causing it shake and making everyone on board scream. Wood flew everywhere.

Chopper: <sobbing> I was only on the ship for one day and we're already dying!! Waaaaahhhh!!


Luffy yawned and opened his eyes. He was greeted by a gray sky. He groaned and sat up.

Luffy: W-What time is it?

He rubbed his eyes and looked around. His crew were all sprawled out on the deck of the Going Merry. A side of the ship was almost completely wrecked.

Luffy: AAAAHHH!! What the—? Wake up, guys!!

He grabbed Usopp and shook him hard, causing his head to smack the deck.

Luffy: Why aren't you waking, Usopp!?

???: I'm afraid what you're doing to him will make him stay out longer.

Luffy turned his head and saw a woman with long, brown hair. She had a few white streaks in it and her hair was in a side ponytail.

Luffy: Who are you?

???: My name is Aimi. Your ship ended up near my house.

Luffy: Your house? Where are we?

Aimi: Gravebone Island.

Before Luffy could say anything else, they both heard a groan.

Vivi sat up and rubbed her head.

Vivi: Wait... where... where are we?

Luffy: Graveboner Island.

Aimi: Gravebone! 💢

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