"Hello" sleep still in my voice

"You lucky lil man here otherwise I'd be banging on your door"

I rubbed my eyes and looked to see it was 10 am "Dave it's too early for this shit"

"I told you let me know when you got home. I called and texted you all night"

"My bad Dave damn now you know how I felt when you wouldn't return my calls or texts"

"This ain't about me right now. I'm glad you home so I'll let you go back to sleep"

He hung up and I took a deep breathe feeling bad. I smiled a little to know he cared. I called him back.

"Yea" he said

"Sorry I didn't let you know I fell straight to sleep I was so exhausted"

"Heard ju"

"Daaaavvie" I whined

"What the hell you whining for sounding like DJ and shit"

"You mad at me"

"Naw why would I be mad"

"I don't know"

I heard noise in the background before I heard

"Hi Kori mommy"

"Hi my DJ"

"Daddy said he was mad at you when he gave me bath"

I heard Dave suck his teeth "Yo what I tell you about that snitching shit. What I say to you is between us"

"Oh he said that huh" I said trying not to laugh

"I told daddy to not be mean to you"

"Thank you that is why you my baby"

"You hear that daddy I her baby and not you"

"Get out my room since you want to turn against me"

"You being to mean to me" DJ said pouting

"Don't start that pouting shit" I couldn't help but laugh because he use to say the same thing to me

"Leave him alone and did you feed him"

"Nooo he not"

"Son you not loyal at all. For your information I was about to get him dressed so we go get something"

"Can my Kori mommy come" DJ asked and I heard Dave mumble something

"I'm sorry speak up" I said knowing he wouldn't like that

"Man get dressed and you best be ready by the time I get there"

"Yaaaay" DJ and I said in unison

"The fuck" I heard Dave say before the line beeped 3 times

45 mins later I heard a horn

"Shit" I said as I looked out the window while brushing my teeth

A couple minutes later my phone rung and I didn't answer it. I lotioned up and put on a dress and some Gucci slides. I grab the matching bag walking out the door.

When I got in DJ greeted me with a smile while his father...not so much. I tried to not make eye contact and was looking at my phone most of the time.

"You not going to speak"

I looked around "You talking to me" I asked and he glared at me

"Hello David how are you doing on this lovely day"

I Hate You But I Love You (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now