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"Damn Y/n, you're still too tight." as he was doing his thing. Loud breathing and moaning are the only things that can be heard to a sound proof room of an apartment own by a Park. He flops in the bed beside her and kissed her head, "Haven't done it with anyone in a while." she replied as she was gasping for air, he chuckled, "You still gave me the best s*x Y/n." she took a sigh, "Don't compare me with your girls Chim." she stood up and wore a rob and move towards the kitchen. He frown when he felt something is  different from her.

She's making herself a coffee when two strong arms snake around her waist hugging her. "Are you okay?" he asked placing his chin at her shoulder taking in her scent. She just nodded and gave him half a smile. "Baby, I wasn't comparing you with any girl. You are not one them." he tried to explain but she cut him off, "No, its okay, you don't have to explain yourself." removing his arms and walk towards the cupboard to get some cups but he grab her arm, "Y/n talk to me." he pleaded but she shook her head, "This is nothing." she slowly yanked her arm from his hold but he pulled her and made her sit on the counter locking her e low. "Baby please say something, you know it gives me chills whenever you're acting this way..." ,"I love you." she said, "I love you too." he replied but she looks straight to his eyes, "No Chim, I....Love...You." without breaking the stare he answered back, "I heard you." and she hung her head low again but Jimin kept on staring at her, trying to know what is going on through her head. "I told you that I have not done it with anyone in a while, that's at least 2 years now. I only do it with you." she looks back to the startled Jimin. This time he is lost for words. She gently push him away and came down from the counter to get the cups. Having her back facing him, "But you d-don't have to think about it, this was my choice anyway." pursing her lips together and shutting her eyes tight. Unable to move but followed her with his stare, in a soft voice he asked, "What's in your mind?" she shook her head, "Y/n, I can't guess what's in your mind, you'll have to at least tell me, what do you want me to do?" she smiled, "I think that question is for me to ask myself. What is it that I need to do?" moving towards the coffee machine. Jimin just followed her with a confused stare. "We've been doing this like forever, I'm not complaining, what we have is everything to me, its the best things that had ever happened to me. I don't have any regrets otherwise. You being my first in everything, what more could I asked for, right?" but the last word came out hoarse. She gulp as she took a glimpse of the promise ring, something that went unnoticed to the man standing not so far away. He started to panic a little seeing her doing that. She chuckled, "But don't bother yourself, you're perfectly fine. It's totally me, we all have our struggles sometimes." she gave him a cup of coffee as she kissed his cheek and went back inside the room.

Placing the cup in the counter she followed her inside the room only to see her standing near a window staring far away. In his head he asked, "What is wrong Y/n? Are you perhaps tired from all this?" he shrugged the questions in his head and gave her a back hug, he kissed her head and whisper to her ears, "You know that I love you very much right?" she nods as she leans back to his shoulders. They stayed that way for a couple of minutes then she spoke, "We should get some sleep now, we both have an early work tomorrow." she turned and gave him a peck in the lips, leaving him standing there buffled and somehow still confused with her actions, he sighed and run his fingers through his hair feeling a little frustrated for not getting some answers.

At the Park Enterprise, Jimin worked overtime to meet some deadlines. He is under training for becoming the next CEO of the company. So far he hasn't disappoint his parents when it comes to work. He is one hardworking man, one of the reasons why his parents don't interfere and literally let him runs his life the way he wanted it. A knock was heard from the door and in came his secretary Mia. She went behind him and massage his back, feeling a little relieve from tiring day, she bent down making sure her cleavage will show and whispered to his ears, "Is there any other services I can give you Mr.Park?" with a smirked on his face he replied, "It depends on what you can offer me." she smiled seductively, "What do you have in mind?"

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