"tom? i feel like i'm really missing something here."

"sorry i just.... Y/N you were crying."

you curiously drew a hand upon your cheek, fingers met with cold tears that'd been flowing freely from your eyes. you didn't remember when you started crying, was that dream-memory so powerful?

"you started mumbling things while you cried.. something about a voice... and you began to shake. i don't know what's going on right now, but i can't help you unless you tell me what's wrong. let me help you, Y/N."

tommy pleaded, pulling away gently but still remaining a closeness to you. in other circumstances, you'd be worried about the small amount of space between your faces, but for now you looked back at him with a humorless smile.

"it's just..... remember when I told you I had a weird dream?"

tommy nodded eagerly, something flashing across his face quickly before turning his attention back to you.

"well, it had to do with the.... accident. i don't know if that's what really happened but... it was terrifying."

you felt your voice begin to waver, pushing yourself back into another hug to hide your face in tommy's shirt. the teen didn't seem to mind, wrapping his arms back around you and gently stroking your hair.

"it was so dark and cold, there was so much blood and glass.... and you were there,"

tommy stiffened at the mention. did that dream hold some truth? was tommy actually present in some form during the crash?

"... you were calling my name. you sounded so scared, and that made me more scared. i woke up after that... and it really fucked with me. that's why i didn't go back to bed. that's why i woke you up."

you were full-on crying into tommy's shirt now, but you didn't really care. you seemed comfort and tommy was there to give it. this would certainly come back to bite you in the ass (because you're crying and being very vulnerable with your platonic friend, which will lead to you getting more attached), but you didn't care.



that's all he has to say?


this is so stupid.

both of you were silent for a moment; you quietly crying in tommy's arms while tommy comforted you with stiff motions. something was bothering him, which worried you, but you didn't know how to bring up his change in mood. maybe it was something you said?

"i think that may have been a mix of a flashback and...... memory."

you perked up as the boy finally spoke.

"i was.... there. when you crashed."

immediately you sat up, looking over at him with expectant eyes. tommy was looking down, fiddling with his fingers as he continued.

"we were on call. just chatting, like the best friends we are, when....."

his face contorted as he struggled to get the words out. he visibly got more and more upset, body quivering as he tried to work up the words. you quickly noticed his discomfort and drew him into another hug.

alive - tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now