Oh No

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Ciniman roll: hello everyone I've decided to add my favorite cousin to the chat

little witch & Fast Guy: hey!!!

Ciniman roll:  y'all are cool to

Ciniman roll has added **********

Ciniman roll: now introducing the
one the only

Tin Can: Oh no

Ciniman roll has changed ********* name to MEMEQUEEN

MJ: sup Queen

MEMEQUEEN: nothing much and how's my favorite colonizer

Ciniman roll: great guys this is MEMEQUEEN she's awesome also GuyInTheChare you good

GuyInTheChare: of course I am why wouldn't I be

Ciniman roll: dude I can hear your fan boy scream from here

MEMEQUEEN: seriously as much as we hangout

GuyInTheChare: I can't help it even MJ showed some emotion when she first met you

Ciniman roll: yeah that was crazy if you looked closely and squint it almost looked star struck

MJ: ha ha keep laughing see were that gets you looser

Ciniman roll: I mean GuyInTheChare you really need to get over it

MJ: yeah I thought that was what you meant

MEMEQUEEN: Hold up are y'all offical

Ciniman roll: 😊 well yeah

MEMEQUEEN: OMG finally I've been shipping you since day one

Ciniman roll: anyway this is MEMEQUEEN my cousin


Queen: hi

Super man: hi

repair boy: sup

Seaweed brain: hey

Wise girl: hey

babyfaceCanadian: hi

Shadow Bender: sup

Seaweed brain: actually can we talk later we're busy we're exchanging schools tomorrow

Ciniman roll: I get it ttyl?

Seaweed brain: definitely

_______________Percy's POV.                        

It wasn't a total lie. We were exchanging schools tomorrow, and we were busy. However school wasn't why we were busy. Thanks to Annabeth everyone's ready for school.
What we were busy with however was the fact Leo finally hacked our mystery friends phones.

We were all in Poseidon's cabin waiting for Leo to deliver the results of course he's adding unnecessary suspense but no one really cares we just want to know who we're texting. "It wasn't so hard to hack his family's phones so with out further adue we have been texting the ... Avengers" Leo said as he took a peace of paper out an envelope.

"Oh I  think think I've heard of them before they apparently saved us from a Norse God back in 2012." I said trying to remember were I heard that name from. " Yeah I remember them now it all makes sense except for one thing whose Ciniman roll" Annabeth asked curiosity evident in her voice. " well that's the weird thing his phone was really hard to hack even with magic" Leo said clearly unsure.

" Well his dad did say he was a genius" I said trying to reassure him. He nodded but I could tell he still wasn't so sure. "Ok so Ciniman roll is a sixteen year old boy named Peter Parker and get this he goes to Midtown Tech." That caught us all off guard especially seeing as we're all transferring to Midtown tomorrow.
After what felt like hours of silence (which was probably just barely a minute)  Jason asked " so what are we gonna do now"


ooh what's gonna happen next. Will they reveal they know the truth, or will they keep it to themselves. And what's gonna happen now that they go to the same school, What shenanigans are Shuri and the gang gonna get up to, and just how smart is Peter Parker (not even I know) have a good night/day/ morning love you 3000 😁😁😁😁😁

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