2. Phoebe and Joey, not Ross and Rachel

Start from the beginning

The boys walked to abnormal psych together playfully bumping into one another along the way. It was silent, but it wasn't as awkward or uncomfortable as before, just two friends who didn't feel the need to occupy every empty space with mindless rambles about the weather just to make the other feel comfortable.

If Harry had learned anything from his short relationship with Louis it was that trying to be comfortable would do the exact opposite.

✗ ✗ ✗

Abnormal psychology went by rather quickly and uneventfully. Apart from the part where the professor asked them to pair up to research different treatment plans for different disorders.

Harry practically jumped at the chance to work with Louis, at least he knew him, and didn't have to worry about being awkward around someone else.

Being awkward around Louis was second nature.

The two boys were assigned to research and come up with a list of potential treatment plans for someone with OCD.

Unfortunately, neither boy had a particularly large knowledge of the disorder so they decided some initial research was required. They figured the library was the best place to start, they had several copies of the DMS-5 which would allow both boys to work on their project together. If there was anything Harry hated it was group work where he was the one doing all the work. They agreed to meet outside of Louis's two o'clock class, where Harry was now, to head to the library together.

"Ready Hazza?" Louis asked breaking Harry from his train of thought.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm thinking we should go to the second floor? It'll be quiet enough to focus, but not so quiet that us talking will disrupt people?" Harry suggested, suddenly very afraid he was being too pushy.

Louis just shrugged, "works for me, I have to run back to my room, but I'll meet you there yeah?" Louis yelled over his shoulder running off in the opposite direction.

✗ ✗ ✗

Harry had been waiting in the library for Louis for twenty minutes. Disappointed in himself for letting Louis run off, he cracked open one of the books from the large stack he had collected and began to take notes.

Five or so minutes later he saw a very disoriented and confused Louis, now dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. They made eye contact and Louis's posture noticeably relaxed.

When Louis made it to the table by the window, which in Harry's opinion had the best view of the campus, he sighed as he dropped his backpack and another small shopping bag on the table.

"Hey, I'm so glad you're here. I hate group projects I always end up doing all the work...Not that I thought that you would flake but I get worried, been burned before." Louis blushed afraid he had offended Harry, whereas Harry just nodded in understand and waved off his inadvertent accusation.

"Anyway, sorry it took so long, I had to convince Liam to let me take the fluffy blanket from the couch, nearly had to wrestle him for it, apparently they're watching a film tonight that requires comfort, I don't know..."

Harry raised his eyebrows at Louis as he dumped the contents of the shopping bag onto the table.

"Now my dear Harold, studying is best done in comfort, so I brought you said fluffy blanket, stole some sweatpants from Niall too in case you want to change, and all the snacks I could carry."

Harry looked down at the table, and tried to hide his smile, Louis was sweet and caring and would be a great boyfriend. Too bad he still didn't feel anything for the shorter boy.

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