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        A Family of Pure - Bloods, elegance, loyalty, and intelligence. The Family are Old Money wizards and witches. Fame and pride, is what is thought of them. The Family of the Best, The most successful, The most loyal, and The Most Slytherin.

        But, there is one whom was neither of those things. She was not loyal. She was not elegant, She was not successful, nor the Best. She was greedy, vile, and cruel. Yet, she had one thing from her family, intelligence. The girl was smart.
        Her name was Visha Gray.
        Visha Gray, the last Gray of whom had The Gift Of The Wind.
        The Gift Of The Wind is a gift of which is passed down from Gray to Gray or if A Gray is Murdered, the murderer will receive the gift. The gift is powerful, and dangerous in the wrong hands, that is why Visha is a very important person in this story. The Gift Of The Wind can be controlled, if used a lot or by practice. Thai Gift is the reason The Gray's are so well-known, But Visha Gray had made the name 'Gray' sound dangerous, like it was no longer a good thing to be.
        Visha Gray wasn't like other Gray's, whom wanted the gift to help others or use the gift against dark magic. Dark Magic was exactly what Visha wanted to do. And she did it. She became well-known as the Dark Gray, she became feared.

        I like to believe that is why her and a young male by the name of Tom Riddle became the best of friends. But by that time, Visha was married, an arranged marriage. The man was named Celsus Hawthorne. He, unlike Visha, was caring and quiet. He was the one trying to raise Scott, whom was the one Gray to not inherit The Gift Of The Wind, and the reason Visha came to so much power. Scott was a quiet child, never cried nor spoke, especially when his mother was around. Scott followed in his ancestors footsteps; becoming a Slytherin, Intelligent, Quiet, and Witty.

Scott likes to believe it was Jane whom became attracted to him first, even though it was him, but he never showed it. He would glance at her when her and her friends passed the Corridors he and his friends were in, but never chose to speak to her. Jane was the the word perfect itself.
Her light hair fell in soft coils, which bounced when she became excited. Her eyes glowed honey, and shined in the moonlight. Her voice sounded so elegant, for the French that laced in her vocal cords.
She was new, a student originally from Beauxbatons. The hat had yelled Slytherin, yet her friends were mainly Gryffindors. Scott remembered seeing her with a muggle —born by the name Lily Evans, then a time where she was surrounded by boys. But one boy, in specific, followed her everywhere, and she followed him.

Sirius Black.
He was her best friend,
And she was his.
He was the salt, and she was the sea,
Both needed each other.
Scott was bothered that he would often catch The Gryffindor staring at him and back at his best friend, who would either be laughing and waving at him or become a shade of scarlet. Scott knew he was attractive, but never really cared. His hair was black, and kept cut short and clean. His eyes were dark, leaving those whom looked into them wondering what mysteries and trauma hid behind those harsh orbs. His complexion favored the darkness of his room, to keep his skin ever so pale. His cheekbones were high, and jawline shaped perfectly.

It was Sirius Black who pushed Jane into Scott.
Sirius Black was the reason of Visha Gray no longer have The Gift Of The Wind, for if he had not pushed Jane into Scott, the two would have never spoke, and if they had never spoke, they wouldn't have gotten married in secret right after they finished their 7th year. If Sirius Black had not pushed Jane into Scott, they would have not had Florus Gray. If Sirius Black had not pushed Jane into Scott, they would have not had their 2nd child, Y/N Gray, the girl whom inherited The Gift Of The Wind, The girl whom took Visha's powers. The Girl whom Celsus died, trying to stop Visha from killing at the age of 9 months. The Girl whom was nearly killed by her grandmother who had hopes of the gift returning to her. The Girl whom had Visha found and taken to Azkaban.

Y/N Gray.
The girl whom fought.

At the age of 11, Y/N had experienced The Gift Of The Wind. She watched as Draco Malfoy, a good friend of her family's, make fun of Ronald Weasley and Dawson Miller , two boys of which she sat on the train with, and it had upset her. She remembers watching as a slight breeze became strong, and angry. She remembers the harsh wind circling the young boy, until it became such a rapid speed, it was nearly impossible to see him.
That was until, she calmed down and the wind followed her emotions. She remembers seeing the blond boy, curled in a ball, his thickly gelled back hair messed up and having slight pieces of branches in it. She hadn't laughed like the others had, while he stood up and glared at her. She remembers writing him a letter that night, apologizing, for Y/N did not care whether he was a slytherin and she was a Gryffindor, she simple wanted to be on good terms with him.

Y/N was different.
She understood others.
Felt sympathy for those in need of it.
She didn't care about blood status, or houses,
She cared about personality and the holes in people's hearts.

But, Y/N found her group of Gryffindors, like her mother had. The names being Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Corrine Bright, Dawson Miller, Mirren Coldwell, and Harry Potter.

Hermione Granger,
a girl of bushy hair and big front teeth,
Intelligence, and bravery.
Sweet like chocolate,
A muggle — born.

Ronald Weasley,
Hair red as fire.
Eyes like the summer sky.
As many freckles like sand on the beach.
Sweaters upon sweaters.
The boy with the sweetest mother.

Corrine Bright,
Hair in sun — bleached coils,
Cheeks the color of rose.
The American Half - Blood,
The Flirtatious Lacey.

Dawson Miller,
The Muggle - Born Australia.
The Flirtatious Lad.
Sun—bleached blond,
Eyes the color of the seas.

Mirren Coldwell,
Straight, dark hair,
Skin littered in freckles.
Caring like a mother bear,
Sweeter than a kitten.
The Blood of The Coldwell's purest.

Harry Potter,
Eyes like emeralds of which are
hidden by round glasses,
Messy black hair.
A scar on his forehead shaped of a bolt
of lightning.
The Chosen One.

These people would grow to be more than others, for each have so many different qualities yet, all the same.

This is welcome.

Welcome to The Story of Y/N Gray . . .

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