Take It Away

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" Come on miss Moreau, you got this ! " Adam walked in to practice holding his bag and stick in his hands. The first thing he heard was the coach correcting Connie ? Pretty off to hear it. Adam walked into the bench where the players sit, walking up next to the coach. "You're late to practice Banks" Charlie skated to the side jumping over the tiny wall grabbing water. " Yeah, is your hand alright today ? " Charlie stared at Adam and the coach as he put down his water and jumped over the small wall. " Hope to see you out there Adam " 

Coach Bombay is very strict about injuries. Even with the littlest cut, or scratch. " Okay Adam, twist your stick, and if you can do that you can practice today. " Adam seemed nervous but picked up his stick and held it out as he started twisting it slowly. He pressed his lips as tight as possible, but tried not to make it noticeable. He breathed in deeply as he felt the sharp pain hit his wrist as he twisted it. He released his pressed lips, and breathed out when he twisted his stick all the way around. 

The coach looked hesitant " Alright Banks get ready, and come out quickly " Adam smiled as he heard Goldberg hooting. After a bit Adam came out onto the ice. Charlie seemed so normal today, even after he had heard about Blair and Adam ? It seemed like he wasn't even bothered with the fact. Adam skated next to Charlie with calm. " How's your triple deke coming along ?" Charlie smiled as he put his helmet back on. " Great, it's almost perfect " 

The coach had them play a few games. Averman, the jokester he is, commented whenever someone fell. Everyone got off the ice and headed to their lockers. Goldberg walks in exhaustion past Averman. " Man, I'm hungry "  Connie laughed and handed him her granola bar. " Well, food is food, thanks Connie " Charlie started taking off his gear as he entered the locker room, and sat next to Adam. " Want to skate around after this, the others are coming too " 

Adam looked around to see people changing, trying to see if someone made eye contact with him to see if they were going, but no one looked. Adam licked his bottom lip. " Sure, where should we- " Charlie interrupted him briefly as he stood up and walked away. "Park" Adam smiled and took off his skates as Charlie walked away. " Ah no come on, I dropped my granola bar-"  Connie laughed while taking off her skates. " You mean mine ? "  Goldberg rolled his eyes as he kept complaining about how he dropped his food. " It's just food Goldie, get some more " Charlie exited the lockers first. He was usually one of the last ones to leave. 

What Adam didn't know is that nobody was coming to the park. Adam arrived at the park,  skating in his rollerblades waiting for Charlie. He sat down at a bench and finally saw Charlie coming on his skates towards him. "Hey Charlie"  Charlie skated sitting on the bench next to him " Hey Banks " Adam looked side to side seeing if the others were coming. " Where are they ? Are they not coming ? " Charlie pressed his lips together and then replied. " There is no them Banks, just us " Adam glared at Charlie in concern. "What's going on Charlie.."

" Look Adam, I don't want this conversation to be long, I just want to get something straight " Adam had a bad feeling it was about Blair. " Okay shoot " Adam had that weird stomach feeling, where it made you feel like you couldn't move. " So about Kavoski- Blair- is she actually your sister ? " Adam started getting a headache, and felt light headed. He didn't know a question like this could make him feel this way. " Yeah, whatever- I need to go" 

Adam got up and started skating but then fell. Charlie quickly got up and skated to Adam helping him up. " Are you alright man, you look a little pale " Adam pushed Charlie away as he got up " I'm fine " He skated away wiping off dirt from his clothes. Charlie stood there, like he felt bad for what he said to Adam. He tried to shrug it off, as he heard skates in the distance. Charlie turned to see the rest of the team on the other side of the park. He stared at his friends, and then back to Adam skating away. He started skating towards the team. " Hey Charlie, I didn't think you would make it today " Guy turned to Charlie and did their team handshake. "Of course I made it " 

Today is the day, The Ducks versus the Hawks competing in the Pee wee state finals. This felt all too familiar to Adam. He put on his helmet and skated on to the ice, as Blair did the same in envy. Charlie patted his back, as he skated by. The Hawks made their beginning of the game intense. It always made the crowd wild. All the Ducks did was quack in rhythm, which surprisingly was enough to make their fans go wild too. 

The game starts, and the puck was getting passed around, and blocked by both goalies until the Hawks scored seconds before the 1st period finished.  " Okay okay bring it in ! " The coach yelled, and the Ducks surrounded the coach waiting to hear his strategy plan. "What's going on out there ? Come on, come on I need to see some goals !! " Adam glared at Charlie realizing he wasn't the only one who heard what the coach said. 

It was almost nearing the end of the game. The score was 5-5 The Ducks needed one point to win the game. There were exactly two minutes left in the game, but Adam got put into the penalty box for two minutes. Which made him not able to play the last two minutes of the game. The Hawks made in one goal, now there is 20 seconds left on the clock, and 20 seconds left for Adam in the penalty box. It seemed like the clock went on forever, but Charlie got a hold of the puck.

Blair came around the net and tried blocking his hit. The timer ran out just as Charlie scored, making it a tied game. Charlie tripped and ran into Blair, and the goalie, making the net, and the others hit the wall. You could hear the gasp of the crowd, followed by silence. Charlie's helmet fell off along with Blair's. The crowd started getting load, as they realized. Charlie sat up and saw blood on his skates. His face went pale, and his body went numb.

" Blair ! Get me out of here, let me out !!! That's my sister ! " The ref passed by, and got all the players to get away from Blair, the paramedics came out. All Charlie could see was Blair gasping for air as he saw that his skates cut her neck.  Both coaches came out on the ice and pushed the players away. Connie skated towards Charlie and Blair before getting pushed away. " Charlie what did you do ?! " Everybody seemed so shocked. Adam climbed out of the penalty box and skated on to the ice throwing his gear on the ice before sliding near the puddle of blood, and the paramedics taking her away. Adam tried pushing his way through but got held back by coach Bombay. 

" No no no no, let me through, let me through !! Please ! Please- " The coaches grip became weakened as Adam fell onto the ice sobbing. Charlie still sat there un treated not wanting to leave the ice as blood from his injury on his head ran down his face. Realization hit him, and he started crying still in his same position on the ice. Charlie slowly got up and saw the blood trace the ice as he skated slowly. Adam got up and attacked Charlie, making both of them fall on the ice again. All Charlie could do was block his punches. Charlie would just cry as Adam hit Charlie harder with every hit, punch, and scratch. 

The coach broke them apart and Charlie skated away off the ice, and took off his skates, and threw his equipment on the ground as he unchanged quickly in the locker rooms and ran out the doors of the rink. He didn't quite know where he would run, but somewhere far. 

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