Prologue Chapter 2

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.~. Ramshackle Dorm - Hallway .~.

Walking down the hallway, Yuri and Yuki looked around to see if they were any buckets laying around. There weren't any light making it hard for them to see in the dark,the floorboards sounded rickety to their ears as they walked on. Everywhere she looked, it was messy with lots of stuff scattered around, they had pass by lamps and picture frames that was on the floor.

Yuki stayed close to her sister as she nervously looked around the area. "Uuoohh, I don't like this feeling..." as they walked passes the stairs, she saw a human sized shadow at the top, making her shriek in fear and clutch onto her sister, making both stumble a bit before regaining their balance.

"What the hell Yuki!?" Yuri shouted.

"I s-s-s-saw someth-th-thing u-u-up on the s-s-s-stairs!" Yuki stuttered as she pointed at the second floor on top of the stairs.

Yuri looked to where she was pointed and saw nothing there. "See what?"

Yuki looked and saw the same thing Yuri didn't see. "But...It was...."

"Honestly Yuki," Yuri sighed and walked ahead. "You can't let your imagination get so carried way."

"But....but....but......" Yuki started before letting out a sigh of defeat and caught up with her sister, missing the figure emerge from its hiding spot.

"Hmm? It looks like our little friends are wondering about." a females voice said quietly as she looked at the twins and smirked. "I think its time to welcome them in our humble Dorm, don't you think guys?"

The twins finally found the bucket and walked back down the hallway to the lounge. But then they stopped when they heard something creaking on their path. "Yuki.....Did something make a noise just now?" Yuri asked, a little frightened.

"C-can I say no." Yuki said, shaking in fear.

"Hihihihi.... Ihihihihi..." a mysterious voice laughed, making the girls tense up and the foxes jump out of their arms. "We haven't had a guest in so long..."

Just then three ghost appeared before them; one was small and a little chubby, the second one was big and chubby, and the third was tall and skinny, and the three of them were wearing blue top hats on the side of their head and matching blue capes. "I'm itching for some action. Ihihihihi!"

"Gyaaaaaaaa!!" Yuki screamed in fear as she clutched onto her sister even more.

"Ghooooooooossttts!!" Yuri screamed in shock.

"What are you freaking out..." Grim heard their screams and came to check on what was happening, and saw the ghost who where grinning back at him. "Gyaaaaaaaa!!!! G-g-g-g-ghoooooooooooootts!!!"

"The people living here got scared of us and left." the short ghost said.

"We've been looking for more ghost pals. How about you guys?" the big ghost said, looking at the frightened trio.

"We're gonna be killed!" Yuki cried as she collapsed to her knees.

"Now's not the time for you to loose the feeling in your legs, Yuki!" Yuri shouted at her.

"Tell that to my legs!" Yuki shouted back.

"Uuu, uuuuh!" Grim whimpered in fear before putting on a brave face. "Grim, the Great Magician, isn't scared of some ghosts!!! Punahhh~~~nnn!!" he breath out fire and tried to aim at the ghost but missed.

"Where are you aiming?" teased the skinny looking ghost.

"Over here, over here! Heeheehee!" laughed the big ghost.

"Shoot! Stop disappearing!" Grim shouted as he breathes out more fire. None of them were hitting the ghost, as they keep popping up in different places and almost hitting the twins but the foxes stopped the fire before they could do any more damage.

"You'll burn the place down like this- Are you closing your eyes when you breathe fire?!" Yuri yelled at him, noticed that his eyes were closed when he breathes out the fire.

"Shut up!" Grim said, looking at her annoyed. "Don't try to give me orders!"

Yuki then came up with an idea. "How about I'll give you a can of tuna if you win." she offered.

This caught Grim interest when he heard that. "Wah...!? Mmmgmm, I-I'm a genius. I won't let one..."

The ghosts kept on teasing them by popping all around them and getting closer. "Ihihihihihihihi!"

Grim's fur bristled in fear when he saw them coming closer. "Bunch of cowards ganging up on us!"

"Yuki, what are you doing?" Yuri whispered quietly so that no one else heard.

"Just trust me." Yuki whispered back. "Please take care to not burn the one getting your prize!" she said only for Grim to ignore her with a groan, before adding something else to the offer. "For a limited time, I'll give you one more can!"

Grim grumbled under his breath before finally listens to her. "Hey, you! Tell me where the ghosts are!"

"Leave it to me!" Yuri said, and saw one of the ghost coming towards him. "On your left!"

Grim turned to his left and breathed out the fire at the ghost, which hit, making the skinny ghost yelp. "Hottttt!"

"I hit it!" Grim said before grinning. "Alright, let's chase them all outta here!"

"Right!/Y-yes!" the twins said as they got ready to help Grim. The two foxes got into their battle stance right beside Grim as they got ready to help out.

Clap Clap

The sound of clapping caught their attention, the ghost that appeared before them backed away and made room for someone to walk by. The sound of footsteps coming their way, making them swallow a lump saliva that was caught in their throats when the person finally came to view. And lo and behold, appeared to be a woman with light-blue gray hair that was tide into a loose braid on the side, who that clapped her hands and gave them a warm welcoming smile, she has purple colored eyes with black eyeshadow and mascara running down her face as well as scarlet lipstick and a line of black colored makeup from her bottom lip to her chin.

She dons a black hooded, long-sleeved dress adorned with dark blue, violet, and black feathers on the shoulders and back, and the left hip. The dress is also decorated with dark brown leather wrapping around the sleeves and a matching belt that overlaps the skirt on the left side. The front of the dress exposes her torso slightly with two areas of fishnet material under her chest.

She wears a pair of black fingerless gloves as well as a pair of black thigh-high boots also wrapped in dark brown leather. The rim of the hood is wrapped in a dull blue ribbon with two pincher-like decorations atop of the hood. On the front of the hood is a silver circlet shaped similarly to the Holy Key with 3 glowing crystals hanging from it; the key is colored pink towards the center and transitions to violet at the rim. There are six sticks tied to the Holy Key in a hexagon shape with many feathers decorating the left side. This makes the Holy Key look similar to a dream catcher..

The horns curve out like ram horns then bend backward in a wave-like shape. The horns are crystalline with a color gradient that starts off as a light blue at the base of the horns and transition to dark blue then purple at the tips. Said horns are wrapped in a purple ribbon that holds silvers rings on each side of the hood. The ribbon also holds the circlet in place. She also wears a string of sharp teeth and another metal ring around her waist. The string dangles from the right hip.

"Welcome~ Welcome~" she greeted them. "Welcome to our humble Dorm, little ones~"

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?!?!?!" Yuri and Grim yelled out, pointing at the woman in front of them.

"A-are you th-their leader?" Yuki quietly asked, shaking in fear behind her sister. "Are you another g-ghost?"

"Hm? Crowley did tell you who I am?" the woman looked at them with a questionable look on her face when they saw their reaction, she then sighed as she place one hand on her forehead, shaking her head slightly and the other on her hip. "That man...doesn't know how to tell the new students about their roommates...."

"Wait, roommates?" Yuri questioned before letting out a gasp. "That means you're-"

"That's right, Little Doll." the woman said and bowed to them. "I'm Vivid, Vivid Wick. It's nice to meet new roommates." she said, letting out a small giggle as she looked back at them.

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