George angrily threw a hand threw his uncombed hair and shouted, cutting his sister off, "Fuck, Ginny. I said I'm fine! I don't need you coming to check up on me and make sure I'm dressed and that I eat. I'm a bloody adult, I can fucking take care of myself."

For a second longer, Ginny remained a child. Sadness and hurt flooded her facial expression quickly and briefly, but Clover still noticed it. And a second later, she shook off her emotions. It was as if she remembered who she was, who she had to be. She stood stall, crossed her arms over her chest, and glared at George.

"Sure doesn't bloody seem like that," she snapped before turning around and running out of his flat and into the main shop area.

A sense of protectiveness flushed over Clover as she watched the younger girl leave the room. Every single second, hour, day, Clover had wished for her sister back. And here George was, pushing his away as if he didn't even care. The words left her mouth before she even thought of what she was saying.

"No need to be such a prat," she spoke out with gritted teeth while leaning against the back of the couch.

George, whose head was dipped in his hands in regret, looked up at her, "I don't recall asking, blondie."

"And I don't recall giving a fuck," she sarcastically rolled her eyes and turned her body so that it was facing his from across the room, "She's your bloody sister and you're treating her like shit."

"Yeah, well she treats me like a helpless child," he pointed towards the door while shouting in frustration, taking a step towards her.

"And that's exactly what your stubborn arse is," she copied his actions and sternly glared at him, "She just misses you, George. She misses her brother!"

The two were now standing directly in front of each other as he responded, "Well, I'm right fucking here."

"Are you, George?" She yelled out louder in frustration, her thoughts boiling over into the words that hit all too close to home for her liking, "Then tell me why your own bloody sister can't even recognize you anymore!"

The silence that followed was the loudest thing either of them could have said. And it was then that Clover realized just how similar her and George actually were.

His words got caught in the back of his throat as he tried to form a sentence, his voice breaking while doing so, "I-I'm trying. You have no fucking idea how hard it is.

"You really think I want this?! You think I want to wake up every morning to my little fucking sister forcing me to take care of myself? You think I want to go through my day feeling like a time bomb...l-like I'm going to lose control at any second? You think I want to continue living like I'm missing half of myself?" George lowered his face threateningly and gritted his teeth to hold back his emotions, "I don't know how to do this, okay?! I don't know how to live without him, but I'm trying my best. I'm fucked up and I know that. So don't you dare come into my life, my shop, my flat and remind me of everything I can't be. Because you have no idea what it feels like to keep on living after you've lost everything."

Silence again. Clover simply stared at him, noticing the subtle changes on his face. His eyes were like gray clouds and rain pouring down onto the ground. His breath was the rapid winds whipping through the air. His words were the thunder that loudly erupted through the sky. George Weasley was a pent-up, brooding, chaotic storm that had finally let go of everything it's been holding back. But, Clover was never scared of storms.

"You don't fucking know me," she snapped, her heavy and angry breaths falling in sync with his.

But while George was the thunder, Clover was lightning. Not as loud, not as obvious, not as overbearing, but just as dangerous. Neither of them looked away, leaving them both standing there with eyes locked. Brown eyes met blue, thunder met lightning. And perhaps that's why George closed the space between them; they were far more destructive that way.

 Before Clover even had time to think about what to say next, George's hands were pulling her face to his. And suddenly, his lips crashed onto hers. Everything was so wrong; it was an angry, frustrated, distraction type of kiss. But Clover was addicted to distractions, it was the only way she knew how to cope. So, she let her lips melt into his and let her thoughts of frustration slip from her tongue.

Her hands moved up into his hair roughly as his remained holding her face up to his own. She parted her mouth slightly, giving George permission to collide his tongue onto hers. The two moved around fiercely, brashly, and destructively as their movements fell into a chaotic rhythm. He walked them forwards until her back was pressed against the kitchen counter, the slightest of sounds slipping from her lips at the contact.

No thoughts entered either of their heads at the moment; it was only actions of lips, tongues, and hands moving for each other. But as quickly as it started, it ended the same when the kettle whistled into the air.

The two slowly pulled away from each other, their eyes never breaking their gaze. For a moment, they stayed like that sharing both gazes and breaths. An unreadable expression passed over George's face before he ripped the moment they were sharing away. He turned his back to Clover, hesitated a moment, and then proceeded to storm out of his flat, leaving a panting Clover breathless and confused.

George Weasley what the fuck are you doing to me?


omg I was finally able to get this chapter out!!! And instead of just randomly posting, I've decided to make a schedule for this book. I'll be posting every Monday and Friday from now on. So, next update friday!!!


Also, spice is coming soon;)

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