Chapter 3: Lost Girl

Start from the beginning

"Utterly useless." Crowley tossed the final book onto the table in frustration. "Not a single word of your country is written in our texts. At this point, I'm convinced that you're truly not where you say you're from." Crowley's voice gradually lowered and he looked dead in the eyes.

Minako was tempted to use some biting sarcasm on this man, but she needed help from him. You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. "Forgive me, but I don't see the benefit of lying about my home." She clenched and unclenched her fists under the table.

Crowley stroked his chin thoughtfully. "There is a possibility that you might have come from another world. A different reality."

Minako's stomach churned. "Considering what I've been studying, it's a valid theory." Hogwarts had a small curriculum that taught them timelines and different worlds. The destruction of all Time-Turners, however, made it difficult to expand those studies.

"You're oddly calm about this, Ms. Nezumi."

"Trust me, I'm not. This is just my face."

"Do you have any identification on you? It looks as though you're empty handed."

"Unfortunately, I only have the clothes on my back and my wand. My wallet and phone are elsewhere." Damn the Ministry of Magic for not letting her use extension charms on her space buns.

Crowley lightly pressed two clawed fingers on his temple to massage it. "Tonight is just one disaster after another. I can't just let you, someone with no knowledge of our world, stay here. But I cannot just leave a helpless child to fend for herself in the streets either. I am gracious after all!"

Helpless child?

"I can work here to earn my keep. Do you have any quarters for the staff?" she begged. She would take the tiniest room if she had to.

Crowley's face brightened. "That's right! We have an unused building on the campus. A dorm of your own that can be livable once you clean it up." Crowley smiled brightly at the idea. "As long as you're here, you can work while I look for a way to get you home. My graciousness knows no bounds! Truly I'm an example for all educators."

Minako perked up, ignoring that last arrogant remark. A house to herself was even better. "Thank you."

"Oh and one more thing," said Crowley. "Would you care to explain those black markings on your skin?"

Minako hesitated. Their interactions with each so far only warranted a scarce amount of trust. A blood curse wasn't just something people would say about themselves casually with the kind of stigma it carries. However, her potion wasn't with her right now, and only God knows how long she'll stick around here. He has to know about her curse.

"How do I put this..." Minako pondered for a second on how to break the news. "I have this blood curse that makes me sick when I'm deeply upset. I need a magical source of light as a treatment, but a potion is more effective. At the moment, I don't have it with me, but I know the recipe by heart to make it myself." She omitted the fact that it made her powers erratic, afraid of and unwilling to be forced to fend for herself on the streets. It didn't matter how gracious the Headmaster claimed himself to be.

Crowley was silent for a good minute before speaking again. "This is... concerning to hear."

Minako quietly sucked in a breath. She was prepared for him to revoke her right to stay.

He didn't. "If that is true, then I'll have Professor Crewel see to it then. Now, let's head to the dormitory."

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