VII: Interrogation

Start from the beginning

"Of course. I wear contacts and my hair is dyed. It was to blend in so that I wouldn't look too different," he stated, remembering what was told to him at a young age. Who his parents were never should be revealed. Otherwise he would put himself in danger as well. That was why he had wore contacts to make his eyes seem like a normal brown and his hair also dyed to a darker color.

"Then I can already imagine what you look like. And now that you said that.. I am beginning to see a few similarities. However.. that is not what I wanted to talk about," she said with a pause before continuing her statement, "Agent Seha Lee, there is no official way to prove it or guarantee that you have it, but you should have Arts like hers, right? It was said that back in your day, your mother also used a gunblade, but of a way different design. Meanwhile, her Arts was-"

"No. I don't-"

"Seha, I won't push you any further about it. All I'm asking you is to consider the safety of others when out in the battlefield. With Arts or not, you'll still have the responsibility of watching out for your team. Understood?"

"...Yeah. Understood."

"Now, moving on. The second thing I called you here for is tomorrow's task. Normally, like it sounds, it should be tomorrow. However, a few things happened today. That means you'll have to do it now. You will head to the interrogation room and deal with someone we captured today. We have bits of information, but we don't know if it's trustworthy or not. The thing that gets me quite worked up about this is that.. if it goes well, the captive will be joining your team," Ch'en informed him, handing him the folder she had picked up earlier.

An interrogation? Furthermore, the interrogated person would be joining his team if it goes well? What was the LGD trying to do, put suspicious individuals in his team? Seha looked up at Ch'en in confusion, wondering what she had to say about it.

"I know, but the higher ups ordered for it to happen. Just be careful. The suspect took down ten of the twenty Lungmen type guards before she was willingly taken in," she responded with a sigh at his questioning look on what she had just said. She didn't seem to approve of the decision either, but there was nothing she could do about it. All she could do was warn him of the impending dangers that could come.

"Alright then. I'll be heading off to the interrogation room then. After that, I'll decide which course of action," he said, getting up from his chair. Ch'en nodded and closed the folder that contained his information before moving it to the shredder. Even she knew that the information she had found out was dangerous information. If anyone else got their hands on it.. life would go badly for him and his mother. As Seha walked towards the door, Ch'en spoke up one more time.

"Before you go, Seha, do make sure to close the door behind you."


And so, Seha found himself walking down the almost empty LGD hallways. Most of the officers had already retired to their dorms. The ones that remained were those who were finishing up their late work and those that had night shifts. It was a strange sight for people to see him walking in towards the interrogation sector. There were a few looks cast his way, but none that stayed on him too long. The officers would rather just be on their way home to ask what he was doing.

Once he reached the room where the person he was supposed to interrogate was being held, he double checked the folder he had to make sure he wasn't wrong. There was a guard standing at the side of the door, which was unusual. The other interrogation rooms that were occupied didn't have any guards managing them. Was the situation in the room really that bad? He looked inside the room through the one sided glass and saw a person with a helmet and cloak in there. Huh.. that was a strange sight. Shouldn't that have been removed and taken in for processing?

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