Though he became a father, Bokuto still travelled overseas to play occasionally. He would FaceTime you to take a look at Shotaro and spend some time together before bed. Akaashi would visit when Bokuto's out of town in place of him to help him look out for you and Shotaro. When Bokuto comes back, he brings back lots of souvenirs for you and owl stuffed toys from the countries he has gone to for matches for Shotaro. Seeing you and Shotaro was his source of motivation and energy. He would shower right after arriving home from the airport and get changed to bring Shotaro out for a short walk. It could be just across the street or the nearest supermarket to spend some quality time with his son. "I'm bringing our baby owl out, mommy owl!" Bokuto shouted out to inform you. "What? Aren't you tired from your flight?" You blinked and popped your head out of the room. "Nope! I'm so pumped after seeing my beautiful wife and adorable son." With that, they left. Bokuto would be seen with his hair down in casual clothes along with Shotaro on a baby carrier facing him. "Hm, should Papa buy some meat for dinner?" He looked down to Shotaro who's suckling on a pacifier with innocent eyes staring back. "Yeah! I should!" Bokuto chirped and pranced into the supermarket.

 "Yeah! I should!" Bokuto chirped and pranced into the supermarket

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Tonight, the team along with Osamu and Akaashi were visiting. Yes, you guys still have your weekly gatherings through the years. You were preparing some small dishes for dinner knowing that the gang would bring over some food. Bokuto was playing with Shotaro by tickling his cute little tummy and attacking him with kisses. It was when the doorbell of the penthouse rang and Bokuto went to answer it while Shotaro was in his arms. "Hey hey hey!!" He yelled in joy seeing the gang. "It's my favourite Taro-Taro boys!" Atsumu cooed at Shotaro and pinched his chubby cheek. 'Taro-Taro Boys' was what the gang nicknamed the father-son duo because of their first names 'Kotaro' and 'Shotaro'. "Hey, couz!" "Shoyo! Wow, you guys bought a lot of food." "Yes, and I got my nephew a stuffed toy volleyball. Isn't it cute?" Hinata showed.

Shotaro was no doubt the star earning everyone's attention. His eyes scanned the gang and laid on one in particular. He pointed at Osamu because looking at him reminds him of food aka onigiris. Osamu chuckled and picked Shotaro up in his arms. "He's so damn cute... I'm gonna cry..." Hoshiumi faked a sob. "Don't tell me you have the urge to bite his cheeks again." "Thanks for bringing that up, Kageyama." Chuckling, Hinata went up to Shotaro and showed him the ball. He gently served the ball and accidentally hit Shotaro's head. Thankfully, the ball was soft and instead of crying, Shotaro held onto his forehead with both hands. "Y/n, thanks for giving me the cutest nephew in the world!" Hinata cheered in joy. "Samu, you're holding onto Shotaro a little too long." Atsumu cluck his tongue. "So what, Tsumu? You jealous? Why not have a baby with your girlfriend?" Osamu retorted. The twins bickered with poor Shotaro confused but that was not for long when he was swept away by Sakusa. "You guys are scaring him." "Huh? Omi didn't hesitate to carry Shotaro." Atsumu blinked. Ignoring him, Sakusa walked to the balcony to enjoy the sunset with Shotaro.

"Akaashi, why does it seem it's been quite a while since we last met?" Bokuto pouted and leaned against his friend. Akaashi frowned a little before sharing a look with Ushijima who had his lips tilted slightly. "We are all busy people, Bokuto." Akaashi sighed and looked around. "Why not you help y/n?" He pointed towards you. Hearing your name made Bokuto dash to the kitchen to help. "Do you need help, mommy owl?" Bokuto asked while hugging you from behind. "I'm almost done, daddy owl. Thanks for the thought though." You smiled. Bokuto laid his lips on the back of your head before looking back to the gang hanging out in the living room while Sakusa spent some quiet time with Shotaro. This was the best thing he could ever have. "I'm glad we are all still together through these years." He mumbled under his breath. Turning around, you cupped his face and locked eyes with him. "And it will continue, Kotaro." You smiled. Bokuto let out a smile and inched in to kiss you sweetly.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too, Kotaro."

A/N: That's the end of the story! Thanks for reading and supporting it! I managed to finish it before uni starts hehe

p.s: I love this picture so much.

s: I love this picture so much

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Bonus: Watching Haikyuu was the best decision I've ever made. Seeing these boys grow to men eventually playing for Japan is extraordinary and emotional.

 Seeing these boys grow to men eventually playing for Japan is extraordinary and emotional

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