CH 04

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The sound of the alarm sounded in the room as you reached for your phone blindly

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The sound of the alarm sounded in the room as you reached for your phone blindly. With an eye opened, your screen stated that it was 7:30 am. After two weeks of settling in Tokyo, today was your first day of university. You washed up and got your hair up in a bun with your spectacles on while still being in an oversized shirt and shorts which was what you wore every night. You got down to the first floor and shuffled your way to the kitchen to make breakfast. Since you were aware that the men in this apartment suck at cooking, you decided to whip something for them. You made sure they were protein packed since they were athletes and made coffee and tea too. Scrambled eggs, bacon, cherry tomatoes and slices of bread were seen on the table and an aroma filled the air.

Bokuto made his way down and was welcomed by the pleasant scent. He wondered which of the boys were nice to get their ass this early to make breakfast but that thought washed away. He stopped in his tracks seeing you setting up the table in the purest state with no makeup or fancy clothes whatsoever. The sight made him blush and stood in his spot. You angled your head feeling a presence to see Bokuto wake up the earliest among the boys. "Good morning, Bokuto." You smiled warmly. "M-Morning, y/n." He stammered with tinted cheeks. "Wow, you made breakfast. Thank you." He beamed and pulled a chair to seat. "It's nothing big. I just hope it tastes good." You chuckled. Bokuto was about to continue but a loud voice sounded interrupting him. "Good morning, couz!" Hinata greeted brightly like the sunshine he was. "Ooo, breakfast!" Atsumu followed behind with Sakusa. The blonde-haired male could sense like Bokuto was a quarter way to switching his emo mode because everyone spoiled the one-on-one time with you.

Picking up a plate, you took some food with you and poured a cup of coffee with a splash of milk. "Where are you going, y/n?" Hinata asked with a raised brow. "To my room to get ready for school." You replied with an awkward smile, feeling bad leaving them. Hinata nodded and watched you leave until you were out of sight. He shook his head slightly at the thought that you were at the last phase of your education. It was crazy how fast time flies as he remembered playing with stuffed toys with you and Natsu whenever you visited them in Miyagi. The reason why he held you close to his heart was that you were his only maternal female cousin while the rest were males. He treated you more like a younger sister just like Natsu and would always be there to protect and cheer you up.

You were in the room multitasking. Your ears listening to whatever YouTube video you were watching, your eyes on the mirror doing your makeup and hair and your mouth chewing on your breakfast. You took out a curling iron and realized you needed an adapter, making you head out to find Hinata. "Shoyo, do you have an adapter?" You asked, looking at your cousin who was still at the dining table. "Yeah, I do. I'll go look for it." He nodded and got up from his seat. Bokuto laid his eyes on you who had your makeup done lightly yet you looked so ethereal. While you were waiting, you happened to make eye contact with Bokuto and smiled as a friendly gesture. The male smiled back with a flushed face that he quickly hid but Atsumu and Sakusa noticed making them exchange looks to confirm what they saw.

About half an hour later, you came out of your room all dressed and ready to go. You were wearing a simple white t-shirt with light blue jeans with a black leather tote bag along with some accessories. Hinata asked if you brought a jacket along in case it gets cold in the lecture rooms. You nodded and walked by the boys to wear your sneakers. "Good luck, little couz!" Hinata ruffled your curled locks. "Gambete, y/n!" Atsumu punched a fist to the air. "You can do it." Sakusa kept it simple. "You're gonna do great! I believe in you!" Bokuto smiled with a thumbs up. "Thanks, guys. I'll see y'all after school. Bye!" You waved and left.

Once you left, Atsumu narrowed his eyes at Bokuto who was blushing again. "Really, Bokuto?" He kicked him lightly. "Your sweat almost dropped," Sakusa added on. Though he always couldn't be bothered by his teammates' weird antics, he wouldn't mind teasing one of them by calling them out bluntly. "What are you guys talking about?" Hinata asked making the air tense up. They were aware of how protective he was over you through your two weeks of moving here. However, Sakusa didn't give two shits. "Bokuto likes y/n." He spilt the tea making Bokuto fluster. There was a moment of silence until Hinata parted his lips to speak. "Is that so, Bokuto?" He asked to confirm. "I-I don't know! Ahh!" He yelled and ran to his room at the same speed as when he chases a ball during a game.

Closing the door behind him, Bokuto slammed his face first onto the soft sheets. He screamed into his pillow while holding it tightly. "This isn't happening!" He cried in embarrassment. However, he calmed down and recalled how you looked. Your simple yet refreshing outfit with light makeup was enough to make his heart thud fiercely against his chest. What took it up another level was when you walked past him and the scent of your alluring perfume invaded his senses. You were so darn gorgeous and you being petite brought it up several notches. Bokuto just wanted to hug your small figure in his arms like a teddy bear. However, he was in a crisis now making him yell again before fishing out his phone.



Y/n's Outfit

Credits to the rightful owner

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𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯 (𝘉𝘰𝘬𝘶𝘵𝘰 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)Where stories live. Discover now