Lost (Part 1) | Wrecker and Omega

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Summary: Omega gets lost, and nobody knows where she is. Her comm is broken and she doesn't have her bow. Even worse, she's injured and freezing. What will happen?

Warning: Mild language

'First thing's first.'

'I'm lost.'

At least she admitted it. Omega had been trudging through the snow of this icy hell for the past several hours. Being a former medical assistant, she knew that if she stopped moving, she'd freeze to death.

Suddenly, she slipped on ice. She yelped in surprise as she felt the wind rush past her.

She hit the ground - hard.

"Ouch," she muttered, laying flat on her back. She looked to her comm, but it had a deep crack through it that rendered it useless.

Omega tried to push herself up, but let out a strangled cry as pain burned through her left arm. She must've hit it when she fell, but she got to her feet with the help of her less dominant right hand.

(A/N - No clue which is Omega's dominant hand, so I went with left since it came to my mind.)

With the Bad Batch

"Omega's been gone awhile," Echo remarked. Tech looked up from his datapad.

"She never returned?" he questioned.

"Why, yes, she did, Tech," Echo sarcastically replied, rolling his eyes.

Hunter came into the room and announced, "Omega's comm frequency is offline."

Tech and Echo exchanged a glance. "You think she's hurt?" Echo asked.

"I do."

Tech put down his datapad (wow shocker I know). "Well then, let's go find her."

With Omega

Omega was stiff from the cold. Her right ankle ached from twisting it when she fell, and she knew that she was slowing down.

'Keep going.'

But why?

'You'll die if you don't.'

I'm so tired though...

'Fight, dammit!'

It wasn't even cold when she'd left, it was just her luck wasn't it?

Omega knew she'd been out for several hours, and she was kriffing exhausted. She shook her head violently, remembering what she told herself.

With the Bad Batch

The four walked quickly through the snow, easily sidestepping around the clumps that were too thick to walk through. They were used to ice planets from their countless missions.

Those days were better. Easier.

Hunter missed the "before" days.

Before Order 66.

Before Palpatine came to power.

Before the Jedi were all killed.

Before Crosshair turned his back and left.

Before Omega was with them.

That part, he didn't miss. Omega was practically his daughter, and he couldn't imagine life without her.

With Omega

Omega collapsed to her knees from exhaustion. Her vision was blurry and the cold was making her feel sick.

'Get up! Dammit, get up and walk!'

She did as the voice said, or at least she tried to. She ended up falling again, this time onto her back. The last thing she saw was a large shadow above her.

Then she passed out.

Ideas needed!

May the Force be with you.

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