I'm Not Going Out

Start from the beginning

She hadn't realized but at some point she had started crying. The events of earlier that evening playing at the front of her mind. She was really starting to worry about John but she didn't know what else to do.

Lily used her key to get in. "Shay? Kelly?" She entered the apartment and closed the door behind her.

"Lily is that you? We are in the kitchen."

Lily headed towards the kitchen. "Yes it's me who else would just walk into your apartment without knocking?"


As Lily got closer Shay and Kelly could see her tear stained cheeks. "Lil is everything okay?" Kelly had decided that if couldn't be together as a couple he was going to be her absolute best friend and always be there for her.

"Just John being John. He locked himself back in the bedroom again."

"I'm sorry girl."

"Thanks. Same song different day. Anyways I thought you guys were going out tonight?"

"We were but little miss Shay decided she was hungry first." Shay flipped Kelly off.

Both Kelly and Lily laughed.

"So you coming out with us tonight?"

"Honestly guys I think I'm just going to crash on your couch. Just not feeling the whole bar scene right now."

"Alright no worries. You know where everything's at." Shay was finishing eating the sandwich she had made.

"Yea I'm pretty sure I know your guys apartment better than my own."

"Well if you need us we are only one phone call away."

"Thanks Guys." Shay and Kelly both placed a kiss on Lily's cheek. "See y'all later."

Shay and Kelly headed out for the night. Lily grabbed a beer and then went and laid down on the couch. She turned the TV on and found one of her favorite movies was on 13 Ghost.

It hadn't even been 10 minutes and both Shay and Kelly were back. Lily gave them this confused look. "We decided since your not going we would rather stay in with you."

Lily was in awe of her friends. She had never experienced this before. "You guys don't have too."

"We know but we want too." Shay strolled over to the couch and motioned for Lily to sit up. Shay sat down but pulled Lily's head into her lap.

Kelly came over and lifted Lily's legs so he could take a seat. He then set her legs back down on his lap.

"I love you guys."

"We love you too Lily." They went back to watching the movie. Shay had started to play with Lily's hair because she knew it brought her comfort and made her feel safe.

By the end of the movie Lily was fast asleep. Her head resting in Shay's lap.

"I don't like this John guy."

"I don't either Shay but we have to be supportive. If that's who she wants to be with then we just need to be there if she ever needs us."

"When did you become so sentimental Kelly?" Kelly rolled his eyes. "We should probably try and move her to one of our beds."

"Sounds good." Kelly carefully lifted her legs up so he could stand up. He then picked her up off the couch. "I'll put her in my room."

Kelly headed upstairs carrying Lily with him. Shay follows behind him and watched Kelly lay her down on his bed. He then pulled the covers up around and almost tucking her in.

Shay and Kelly exited his room and closed the door. "Well Kel I think I'm going to head to bed."

"Alright. Sweet dreams." Kelly kissed Shays cheek and then Shay headed for bed.

Kelly then went back into his room to change into something more comfortable. Kelly was getting ready to leave the room when Lily started to move around.

"Lil you okay?" Kelly walked over to the side of the bed she was laying on. Kelly took a seat.

"Yeah just a bad dream." Lily looked to see Kelly sitting there without a shirt on and only a pair of sweat pants. She felt as though the temperature in the room was rising.

"Okay well if you need me. I'll be on the couch."

"Don't be silly Kelly. Your bed is plenty big enough for both us to share." Lily pulled the blankets back.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Kel. Now come lay down."

Kelly nodded and then climbed into bed on the other side of Lily. Once Kelly was situated Lily curled up to her because she was cold.

"You okay?"

"Yes. I'm just cold."

Kelly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his bare chest. "better?"

"Better."Lily was listening to Kelly's heartbeat and enjoying the warmth his body was giving off. "Goodnight Kelly."

"Goodnight Lily." Kelly placed a kiss to the top of her head. The two of them soon found themselves in a deep sleep.

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