Chapter 1

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6 months ago:
"Bitch!" Mads cussed out at Nessa, bringing her hand right to Nessa's face slapping her cheek as hard as she could. She remembered what happened after..Bryce pulled Mads away from her and she stumbled backwards. Mia, and Charli going to check on her. Everybody else scolding Mads for what she had did.

This time, life was..peaceful? They had stopped talking and even though everybody was still friends with each other they weren't.

October 29th 2:50 pm PST

"Yoo-hoo, Nessa!" Chase says causing Nessa to zone back in "Huh sorry what?" She asks looking around the cafe, her and Chase were in. "I ASKED if you wanted to go bowling with me, Charli, Dixie, Mia and Thomas." He replied with a frown on his face and he folded his arms "Oh uh- sure" She says with a smile on her face as she picked up the tea cup in front of her and she took a sip, tasting apple and cinnamon.

"Cool! I'll add you to the group chat we're in and we can swing by your apartment and get you, be ready by 5 though." He responds and stuffed the last bit of his croissant into his mouth and got up, "Thanks for inviting me out here, this place is nice." He says walking away from her and out the front door of the cafe feeling the crisp autumn wind blow in and left Nessa there by herself.

Nessa sighed paying for their drinks and food and left soon after, she had her scarf wrapped tightly around her neck, so it wouldn't come off and her jean jacket on under. It was October, Halloween was right around the corner so all of the stores and street lights were decorated by the city. She didn't know what she wanted to go as or if she wanted to trick or treat at all. This was typical of her though, she would end up getting a costume last minute after browsing hundreds and hundreds of stores.

She and Josh had plans to dress up couple-ly together.. those plans made last year and now that they were over she was out of ideas. She walked up of the steps of a spookifed candy store. She opened the door and heard the bell ding meaning someone was leaving or entering. She grabbed a basket from the stand and started browsing for some good Halloween candy- for the trick or treaters of course, not her. She looked at a bag of candy corn and dropped it into the basket, kids loved candy corn-adults too who wouldn't?

She bought some more candy and eventually payed and left, and started walking down Parkland Avenue to Vally Studio Apartments aka where she live. She moved there about a year ago- she didn't want to live at home but also didn't want to live in Sway..well she would've of but the off chance of them offering her that now was slim to none. She didn't have to walk far so she made it home in enough time and started walking up the 3 flights of steps she had to take, and started rummaging through her small purse for her key.

She unlocked the door and stepped in and immediately was greeted by the scent of cinnamon from her pine cones on her dining room table. She shut the door and walked towards her bedroom and set her stuff on the bed. She needed an a good outfit as she really didn't want to bowl in jeans- she had only wore them to make herself presentable for the day but now she wanted to get into something else more comfortable. She found a pair of leggings and a long sleeve shirt. She changed throwing her dirty clothes in the hamper just outside her bathroom and then sat her vanity chair and retouched her makeup and hair.

She got done then set on her bed and started watching some Ginny & Georgia to pass time- her head resting up against her headboard. She watched the episode and smiled before receiving a text from Chase saying they were gonna pick her up early to catch some food and drinks before they went to the bowling place. She turned the tv off grabbing her wallet and phone then walked downstairs waiting for the text saying they were there. This would be pretty interesting to see how she did..

Word count:751

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