"Because nothing's wrong"

"Come on Sophia, you can't lie to me" he reached for my hand but I pulled it away from him and closer to myself as I wrapped my arms around my knees pulling them closer to my chest. "Please, I just want to help you"

"I don't need help, I'm fine" I argued.

"The more you say that, the more I think you're trying to convince yourself" he replied and I could feel his glare. "You're not fine Sophia!" he yelled startling me since he rarely ever raised his voice at me. "It's not fine to wake up screaming every night, it's not fine to keep it a secret from me not when we're supposed to be together on these things!"

"Demetri I'm sorry" I stood up and moved towards him grabbing his hand waiting for him to turn towards me which he did after a few seconds hesitation.

"Just talk to me Sophia" he brushed his hand over my cheek.

"I'm scared to lose you Demetri, I don't want to ever have to see you-" I choked up feeling the tears falling down my face.

"You won't, nobody's dying Sophia"

"You don't know that, face it you're going to war and who knows what's going to happen and I don't...can't see you die"


"Don't try and placate me because you'll be wasting your breath" I cut him off and he cracked a small smile. "Demetri nothing about this is funny"

"I know mi amore" he pulled me towards him wrapping his arms around me and I laid my head against his chest.

"I want to go with you" I suddenly said and felt his whole body tense before he pushed me at arm's length.

"That's not an option"

"It is" I argued glaring at him. "If you turn me"

"No" he glared back.


"No" he exclaimed more forcibly.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you don't know what you're asking"

"Yes I do, I want to be with you, I don't want to be a burden and I want to help"

"Sophia no, you have no idea what you'll even be like, it's not like I can just bite you and your suddenly a vampire"

"Then tell me!" he sighed shaking his head. "You have to, we both know my change is inevitable if we're going to be together and I want to know" I watched him frown and have a mental debate with himself before he sighed once again and sat down on the bed patting the bed for me to sit beside him.

"It's not an instantaneous change, you spend up to three days in agony the moment the venom enters your bloodstream, you're going to be strong, stronger than me because your human blood lingers in your tissues for up to a year after your change, you'll be uncontrollable, vicious and you'll think of nothing else except the thirst and I was to change you now and take you to the battle you'd be a complete liability in the fight"


"You won't be able to control your instincts and that would make you an easy target and I won't lose you" I frowned keeping my eyes down since I didn't know any of that, I thought it'd be just like a bite and then I'd be reborn as a vampire. "You see what I mean now mi amore" I nodded my head. "For now you need to trust me that everything's going to be okay"

"I can't lose you Demetri" I laid my head against his shoulder

"I'll do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen" he replied leaning his head atop of mine as he took my hand and squeezed it gently. "I promise you Sophia Hart"

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