Hope is Not the Goal || Part 2

Start from the beginning

"My god, Werewolves are such-" Damon didn't get to finish his sentence when he noticed Hayley's glare.

[Rafael, appalled by Jed's rudeness, refuses to be bossed around by him and stands his ground]

RAFAEL: As soon as Josie and I are done.

[Jed scowls, angry that his newest pack member is already disobeying his orders]

JED: Actually, newb, I'm your alpha. You're done when I say you're done.

[Josie, not wanting to get in the middle of their argument, quickly stands to her feet and looks down at her wrist as though she's checking her watch, despite the fact that she isn't actually wearing one]

JOSIE: Well, would you look at the time? As fun as this hurricane of toxic masculinity is, I have to get to class.

[Rafael, still not willing to submit to Jed's demands, stands to his feet, a small smug smile appearing on his face as he commits to his insubordination]

RAFAEL: I'll walk you.

"You really shouldn't have gone against him," Hayley reasoned.

"I don't care if he's my alpha. I do what I want." Rafael said, calmly. He wasn't going to let some wolf boss him around.

"Yeah, well now you got a target on your back." Nikki pointed out.

[Josie looks shocked when Rafael picks up her books for her and carries them himself as he leads her out of the dining hall while the appalled and offended Jed and his lackeys watch them leave]

Mystic Falls High School

[A very bored-looking Hope is walking with Landon, who is anxiously narrating his tour of the school based on his previous experiences there]

LANDON: This is the senior hallway, where I spent much of my formative years stuffed in every locker, except this one—

"Oh," Everyone winced, those who were bullied especially.

"In the future, there isn't bullying anymore. That's cause Nikki got upper hand!" Malia looked over at Nikki who smirked in response.

[Landon anxiously pats one of the lockers with the palm of his hands and tugs on the lock]

LANDON: That one doesn't open.

[The tour continues with Landon pointing at one of the restrooms in the hallway where they're walking]

LANDON: On your left, you'll find the bathroom. It's where I had my first kiss with a toilet—

"Oh dear god," Damon muttered.

[Hope, having reached her limit with his awkward rambling, cuts Landon off with a very sarcastic smile]

HOPE: I'm sorry, does the fact that I'm not openly hostile to you make it seem like we're back to being friends?

"Ooh, burn"

[Landon is clearly taken aback by this unexpectedly rude response before his tries to talk himself out of it]

LANDON: Uh, sorry. I just... I was going for effortlessly natural...

[Landon slows down in an attempt to have a face-to-face conversation with Hope, but when she continues to walk, Landon is forced to jog awkwardly to catch back up with her]

LANDON: But this is all just making me really nervous. Like, the school, and seeing Connor, and being with you—

"Wait, Connor as in the guy who defaced the school logo?"

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