to be or not to be

901 74 28

"Gulf ,can you take chase to school today ?" Mom asked . Half awake , I snuggled tighter in a ball beneath the comforters ." I have an appointment two towns away and they are one of our most valuable clients ", I muttered incoherent words , that I couldn't even comprehend. It was probably something along the lines of "fine " , "whatever" and " go away".

"Greet ! I'm heading out . Smooches!"

Seconds later ,I was smacking with my alarm off when it buzzed ,falling back to sleep comfortably. Then chase ran in ,vexing me when he jumped on my bed ." Make me pancakes!" He demanded pressing his weight on me.
I turned over to pushed him off tiredly and he accidentally jammed his elbow on my stomach. The muscles in my jaw tightened and a sour liquid coated my tongue like a red carpet for the vomit arising .

"Pan - whoa !"

Like a rocket , I shot out of bed and raced to the bathroom, tossing my guts out into the toilet and feeling my insides churn so much that I could hardly move . On the floor , all I wanted to do was scrunched up in a ball and pass out . I hardly had the strength to sit up ,hurling profusely.

"Gulf ", Chase called worriedly.

It taste like asphalt .

During Mild's visit ,I ended up eating about three until I have to give up before I hurled . I knew those cookies would come back to haunt me . And it hurt like hell like my insides were turning inside out .

"Gulf !" Chase called again frantically.

After throwing my guts up, I fell to the tile floor , all my endurance withering away . I wrapped my arms around myself, the pain subsiding for a while.
Unable to kept my eyes open , I kept falling in and out of my consciousness
hearing Chase say a few words a distance away .

"Hello ?"... His small voice uttered frightened. Rarely would Chase be afraid of anything. The kid use to collect poisonous spiders and the shed skin of snakes for fun .
"Chase ... Sister's ... Dying ... Floor ... Bye... Everything's going ah..." What ?

I shot up to poke one last time before falling to the ground again ,closing my eyes for a nice nap . I hadn't vomited this much since the beginning of middle school when Mew shove a live worm into my mouth and made me eat it . To think only weeks ago, I thought of him as evil as evil could be.
Now he was my boyfriend, the man I loved ,the man who loved me since before I acknowledged his existence.

I awoke to something cool on my forehead. A sweet ,husky voice murmuring my name in my ear . " Gulf ... Gulf "...

Eyes fluttering opened ,I found myself
smiling wearily at Mew who was arched over me ,pushing a strand of hair Away from my face . The sight of him was like drinking coffee with every passing second, granting me energy ,waking me . I pressed my face against his palm, heating and cooling me simultaneously. "Mew ? What are you doing here ?"

"When I called you , your brother answered saying you were dying and I rushed over ", he answered positioning the cold cloth on my forehead when I tossed about on the bed . The thin sheet was cocooning me
tightly to where I could somewhat move but not entirely . " You are one sadistic alarm clock !"

I scoffed . " Blame Mild ,he made me cookies !"

"And you ate them ?" He said it like I was a moron, shaking his head in shame .

"What else was I supposed to do? Tell her no , he can't cook to save his life ? No, he put love in it ."

He raised a thick eyebrow. " Are you sure it wasn't poisoned?"

If I wasn't so bundled up. I'd nudge him off my bed . I settled on giving him a dirty look ,he only smirked at. "It wasn't ,jerk ".

"Gulf !" Chase hollered . He was standing outside my bedroom anxiously. The curls of his hair bouncing as he hopped on one foot to the other , which was a habit of his. Slowly creeping in ,he asked ," Are you alright?"

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