Capp and Severide help Jacobs get into the basement. She immediately gets as low on the ground ass possible. There was some smoke in the basement but it wasn't too bad.

"Fire department call out!" Jacobs began to look through the basement, calling out every now and then. Jacobs was sure her time was almost up and the smoke we getting thicker making it hard to breath.

"Jacob's you need to get out of there."

"Copy Severide." Jacobs began to cough and started to make her way back towards the window. The smoke was making it near impossible to see. As she made her way around the basement trying to get out she found the kid unconscious.

Jacob's went over and started to feel for a pulse. To her relief she found one. She scooped the kid up and started to look for the window again.

"Jacob's where are you?" Just as Severide was giving up and about to send Shay in. A little boys body was being pushed through the window.

Capp took hold of the child and then took him right over to Shay. Severide reached into the window and pulled Jacobs out. This time Jacob's landed on top of Severide.

There was another moment where the world felt like it had disappeared around them. Jacob's shook it off not wanting a repeat of the last call. "Thanks Severide." Jacob's was coughing but got to her feet.

"Chief everyone is out."

"Copy that severide." Chief gave the go ahead for them to start soaking the house.

Jacob's and Severide started to make their back towards the front of the house. Jacob's was trying her best to contain her coughing but it was becoming increasingly harder.

They had just made it the front of the house when Jacob's world began to spin and she couldn't control the coughing any longer.

"Jacob's?" But before she could respond to Severide she hit the ground. "Shay!!"

Shay had just loaded the little boy into the ambulance when she heard her name. She looked over to Severide and saw Jacob's was on the ground.

Shay quickly grabbed an oxygen tank and ran over to Severide. Shay got the mask placed over Jacob's face and then felt for a pulse. "Alright we need to go. I believe she might have some smoke inhalation."

Severide picked Jacob's and took her over to Ambulance and got her placed on the bench that was back there.

"Severide go with Shay."

Severide looked back at Chief Boden and nodded. He then climbed into the back of Ambulance 61 and closed the doors. He lifted Jacob's head up so he could take a seat. He then let her head rest in his lap.

Shay took off towards med. "Severide is she awake?!"

"No sha..." Severide noticed her eyes starting to twitch. "Wait I think she's coming around!"

"Good. Do not let her take that mask off!"

Jacob's had come too a few minutes later. She tried to remove the mask but Severide stopped her. "Hey you need this. You took in a lot of smoke. You passed out."

Shay got them to Chicago med. Jacob's was able to walk on her own at this point so Severide helped Shay with the kid they had rescued.

Maggie had taken Jacob's to a treatment room too have her looked over. She was soon joined by Severide and Shay. Both wearing an expression of concern. They both had grown to really like Jacob's and she was becoming family.

"You guys don't have to stay."

"Shhh Jacob's. We will stay as long as we need too." Jacob's didn't dare argue with Shay. She knew better.

A few minutes passed and there was a knock at Jacob's room. In stepped Dr. Charles. Both Severide and Shay were confused as to why he was there.

"Hey Lily I heard you were brought in. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good Dr. Charles."

"And how's John?"

"He's doing better."

"Good Good. I just wanted to come see you since it's been a while. If either of you need me you know where to find me." Dr. Charles left Jacob's hospital room.

Shay and Severide both exchanging looks. Jacob's could sense the tension that had raised from Dr. Charles visit. "Don't worry I'm not crazy."

"Okay good because I was requesting a new partner if you were." Jacob's just flipped Shay off. "When and where lovey?"

Severide couldn't help but laugh. Jacob's shot him a dirty look. "Shut it Severide. You're just jealous."

"Yeah Severide. You can barely entertain one girl let alone two at one time." Shay and Jacob's both laughed. Now it was Severide's turn to shoot them both a death stare. The girls laughed even more.

Once Jacob's had been discharged she was instructed to take the rest of the shift off and to go home. Chief Boden had called in a relief for her. Jacob's followed doctors orders and went home to rest.

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