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Mom cupped my cheek whispering few duas and blowing on my face.Little did she know that her act succeeded to keep my outsides calm but my mind was in chaos and similar was the condition of my heart.All the events that happened in Mr Dennis celebration flashed before me and the last call with mother remain unforgettable.

It kept repeating so many times that my sister and mom witnessed the sudden shift of my hands breaking the glass of water as I screamed in frustration.

"Bhai get a hold of yourself!"Shouted Maheen and I violently shook my head trying to stop those scenes from reappearing before me.

"Riyad.."mom said something but I was unable to understand her voice as the words became mute and their lip moment slowly turned blur..

I have so many questions to ask and get the answers but the ability to derive my thoughts into words was long lost as I dipped back into bed with a thud closing my eyes.

Someone mercilessly shook my form and patted on cheek.A splash of cold water is what I felt before gaining my vision back as I saw three human heads staring at me.

Who the heck did that?

"Hey buddy,you okay?"asked Arshad patting my back as I sat on the large bed.So it was him who gave me a cold bath in afternoon.

"Hmm"I replied running a hand through my wet hair.

My other hand was wrapped in  bandage as I hissed in pain.

"What are you trying to be, a stuntman?"he asked smiling as I punched him

"Stay calm buddy.."He interfered distancing himself and lying on the couch

Mom and maheen rushed in asking and checking my wounds. They couldn't stop crying seeing me and I kept muttering that I was okay.Suddenly I recalled the night at party and the phone call.

'Stay away from her Riyad...Shes a witch who will cast a spell on you again.Shes a CURSE!"Mom shouted

"Mom,why are you saying this?..It makes no sense.And who is she to me?"I questioned as mom replied


"Mom who is hoor to me?"I asked looking straight into her eyes as my eyes perceived her tensed form

"Mom,you said shes my wife.Is Hoor my wife?How can this happen?Answer me mom.I cant tolerate this silence.I need damn answers!"I yelled making her flinch but I cant help with my head hurting like hell

"Mom"I screamed and Arshad stepped in

"It's enough Riyad.Shes your mother.Dont speak to her like this."he said as I growled angrily and punched his jaw

"Who the hell are you to teach me the way of speaking to my mom?"I questioned holding his collar as he forcefully pushed me away.

"He's crossing limits aunty.Let's just give him his answer.Just tell the truth."He said making me confused.

"No Arshad we cant.."Mom adviced me making me confused for the second time

"What truth are you talking about?"I spoke out catching their attention as Arshad turned towards me

"Aunty was not telling you this because of your health buddy.She cares for you and tha last thing a mother want is harm her own child."He paused and I took a deep breath.

"Riyad you fainted at Mr Dennis party.We were so worried about you..."I interrupted him asking

"We?...As long as I remember you couldn't make it to the party"I said

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