Chapter 8 : S.S i hate you

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"Listen up!, I will give you all a procedure to follow and they will be hard and they will be complicated. I want you all to do your utmost best. Understand?" Madam Hooch explained eyeing every one of us. We all nodded our head. I was the 3rd person going, right after James.

I watched as he soared through the sky following every instruction perfectly. Probably the only instructions he'll ever follow. I could hear Sirius screaming from the stands of how amazing James was doing. Which surprisingly wasn't throwing him off, I was also cheering but inside I felt panicky. Nervous. Scared.

Soon enough James came down, I could tell Hooch was impressed. "Y/n Black! You're next"
James walked passed me giving a huge smile and big thumbs up. I return his with a weak one. I could hear Sirius screaming 'thats my sister' from the top of his lungs. But soon all the noise got blocked out of my head and the only thing I could hear was my own voice telling me not to mess up.

Yet once my feet lifted from the ground all my worries left. I remembered why I was trying out in the first place. I love quidditch. The procedures were hard, I admit. But I think I did really good and was overall confident. I mean my only competition was James

I finally finished everything and was let off by Madam hooch. All the boys were waiting for me, right when I got to them they drowned me in compliments. We decided to go to a celebratory 'party'. It was just going to be the 5 of us hanging out in the boys dorm, eating excessive amounts of candy.

"To James and y/n, our future quidditch champs" Remus smiles while holding up a soda can, we all raise ours and take a huge gulp. After a good 2 hours Remus and Sirius were cuddled up on Sirius's bed completely knocked out. Peter was just laying on the floor, asleep. James seemed tired but stayed awake, I felt completely fine.

"Sooooooooooooo" James carried out, we sat beside each other leaned up against a wall. "What now?" He asks. I shrug. What was now? "From 1-10 how sad would you be if you didn't make the team?" He randomly says "Uhm I don't know... a 7?" I was confused with the question "that's pretty sad" He yawns "why do you ask?"

"Just in case you don't make the team, I needed to know how sad you would feel so I'd know what to do to cheer you up. I guess it was stupid though cause you are most definitely getting in" he answers with a genuine look on his face. "Anyways I think I'm gonna hit the hay" he stands up and stretches. I also stand up, "I should probably go"

James PoV :

I wanted to tell her to stay. But I didn't. I watched as she left the room. I don't know why I missed her. She's my bestfriend. Nothing else. And I don't plan on making her anything else. She'll always be special to me. But not in that way. Not in the way I feel for lily. Although it was a rather sudden feeling. Unexpected. I rarely talked to her. She was perfect though. I could tell. And it's not like y/n's isn't perfect it's just... I can't think of her like that. It'd be weird. She felt safe, and I wouldn't want to change that.

Y/n's PoV :

I walked into my dorm, Marlene was the only person awake. She noticed I entered the room "Where've you been?" She asks slightly smirking, I roll my eyes. She always liked to tease me about how I hang out with the boys.

"Oh ya know, I was actually just helping Dumbledore trim his beard" I joke, "Lucky you! Next time I call dibs on the job" She plays along, I go into the bathroom and change into my pajamas. I also brushed my teeth and did everything else in my night routine. By the time I was back Marlene was asleep in bed.

I get into my own and try my hardest to sleep. I kept thinking about quidditch though. The suspense was killing me. I twist and turn, and twist and turn and twist and turn and twist and-. Well I couldn't fall asleep. I turn my head towards Marlene.How did she fall asleep so effortlessly, I look to Alice she was gracefully sleeping. Literally a literal Angel.

I decided to talk a walk around the corridors to clear my mind, I knew filch would be scouting around but I'd just have to avoid him. The paintings were sleeping so I had to be extra quiet to not wake them. I was turning the corner when I hit someone. "OW" we both yell but quickly become quiet. I look forward and see Severus Snape. Or snivellus as the boys like to say.

I never actually met him.. but Sirius and James have told me of how much of a git he is. I know lily said he's a good friend though. "Oh it's you, Girl Black" He mumbles "Hey I have a name, I don't want to be known as just Sirius's blacks sister" I huff. He rolls his eyes. "Why are you up so late?" I question. "I have no reason to tell you" He sneers

I roll my eyes. Why do people feel the need to be so secretive. "Well I suppose I'll be off then" I say turning around. "I wouldn't go that way" I could slightly hear him mumble. "I'm pretty positive Miss Norris is somewhere around that area. I recommend that way" he points to the opposite direction. "Oh.. that's very kind of you, thanks!" I walk in the way he pointed.

I was continuing to walk when I heard a voice. One that was very close. Oh that GIT!!! Filch was walking right towards me. There was no corner to turn, no classroom to run into. I could try to run back but I wouldn't be fast enough. I was hopeless. Filch saw me and immediately went wide eyed "Y/N Black! Oooo I finally caught you" He scowled. "20 points from gryffindor !! Now go back to your dorm"

I nod my head before heading back. McGonagall was gonna be so mad, that I lost house points, she's been wanting to win the house cup for a while. Well that's what I heard, anyways Slytherin seems to always win.

I should've known Severus was gonna trap me. That slimy git. Well have to get him back. I enter my dorm room and finally after a long long night fall asleep.


"Why would you trust him?!" Sirius exclaims "We've got to prank him so hard" James mumbles. "Do ya reckon McGonagall knows about losing the house points?" Peter asks, and right on que there was a knock on the door "Well I guess that answers the question" Remus sighs walking to the door and opening it. And surely enough a very angry McGonagall was standing there.

"Miss Black please accompany me to my classroom" She huffs before walking away. I could here the boys mumble good luck as I quickly follow her. The walk to her classroom felt so long and awkward. "I'm sure you know why give called your here" She strictly says.I nod my head. "Sneaking out late, is not acceptable. But you already know that. So the main problem is losing house points" She disciplines "I love when students live up to the gryffindor name. Of being courageous and adventurous, but this is not the way"

"This is a warning! Next time you will serve a detention for me!" "Thank you professor" I say before leaving her classroom, that wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I wanted to rat out Severus for also staying out late but lucky for him I didn't. I guess I'm just to... kind.

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