Part 3

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Much time had passed since the Yamato took off. So far much has happened, they've been in a few battles, but the wave motion gun has helped everyone out with that. And they can travel far distances through space warping! Yuki became quite close with Kodai. They are great friends at the moment.

I have caught feelings for him...every time I see speak with him my heart races, and my face goes red. He's handsom, and kind, but sometimes can't control his anger.

Yuki thought.

Right now they are at the star Alpha Orionis, also known as Betelgeuse. It's an ancient prayer star, to make your wishes come true. Yuki stands there. wishing for something now...wishing for Kodai to fall in love with her...

She hear footsteps behind me, and turns around to see him standing there. "Yuki! What are you doing?" He asks "Can't you tell by looking? I'm pryaing" she replied. "To what?" He asks. "The Alpha of the trinary Orion shining over there, it's called the prayer star, and people prayed to it for various matters since the old days. The prayer star of Orion looked so far from Earth, but it's so close and large. It should grant my wishes well" she smiled. "Stars are just a composition of carbon, hydrogen and water...yet you look at it that way. Girls are weird." He said. "So..what did you ask?" He continued. "That's a secret." She giggles. "I know! It's about a successful journey for the Yamato, isn't it?" He asks. "No" she blushes. "For the future of mankind?" He asks. "Tottaly different" she tells him. "What is it then?" He says. She starts to laugh when suddenly they're interrupted by the ship shaking and they both fall to the ground. After getting up they make our way to the main bridge.

Yuki and Kodai make our way to the main bridge. Hes still wondering, what she wished for.

They discover that the Gamilas have this gas creature that consumes energy and matter, the Corona. Its following is right into Alpha Orionis. And if it gets to us it will consume and resolve the Yamato only making it bigger. "Captain, what will we do? If we try and destroy the Corona it'll just get bigger!!" Kodai says. "Keep moving forward." Captain Okita tells them. "But thats straight into the star!" Shima yells. Okita falls unconcious. Yuki runs over to him. "Dr. Sado!" She says as Sado  runs over to the Captian. "Stop! Stop! Are you trying to kill the captain!?" He yells at everyone. "No...keep going like I said." Okita stands up. They're headed straight for a large tall flame. "We have to use the Wave Motion Gun! Shoot it at the flame!" Okita continues. It can't be destroyed by the Yamato, but a star itself could surely destroy anything that's pulled into it. 

"10......9......8.......7......6.....5.....4.......3........2.......1....0....FIRE!" As the Wave Motion gun fires straight into the large flames of the star, creating an opening.

The Yamato succeeded in destroying the Corona. It was hard, being so close to that star made it extremely hot inside the ship. It nearly killed everyone, but they managed to get out alive.

Kodai later finds Yuki in the same place she had been before all this...still praying. "Well? That was the true identity of the prayer star. Now you know how terrifying a star can be." Kodai said. She looks at him. "No. As long as I have wishes, a prayer star is a prayer star" She says. "You don't give up. What was your wish??" He says, still curious. She blushes. "I said, it's a secret." She tells him. "You can tell me, can't you?" He asks. "Well, okay. My wish is to make a person fall in love with me." She said. "Oh that's it? That's silly!" He starts to laugh, then stops. "Hey! who is that person?" He asks. "That's definitely a secret." She says as she runs off giggling. "Hey Yuki! Yuki tell me!" He chases after her...

I wonder who it was...

Susumu Kodai x Yuki Mori: Not Really StrangersWhere stories live. Discover now