7 | kidnapping Claire

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"Let go, jerk!" she swears.

"You're coming with me."

She pushes my hand off her and stands glowering at me. I notice the redness on her lips and feel my blood boil, knowing that it is Mason's work. I move my eyes down Claire's body just to check if he hurt her anywhere else but regret the action as it only makes me realize how fucking beautiful she is.

She is wearing high-waisted ripped jeans with a crop top that rises above her belly. I lick my lips, quickly averting my eyes from her delicious curves. This thing between us is getting too much. I wonder how much time it will take to finally have Claire give in. I can't wait to have those sexy legs wrapped around me. Bare.

I ignore the inappropriate thoughts and grasp her hand.

"Where are you taking me?" she asks as we start walking.

"In case you forgot, my mom's still in need of convincing."

"But I have classes!" she protests.

"You can take care of those later."

When we reach my car parked outside her college gate, I pull open the door to the passenger seat for her but she just stands there with her lips upturned to portray a frown. I sigh, shutting the door back and leaning against the car.

"Speak." I take a look at my watch. "I don't have all day."

"What was that back there?"

She comes to the point without delay — very nice.

"That was me telling that jerk to back off," I reply disinterestedly. "He was harassing you."

"No. You were marking your territory. Marking me!"

I raise an eyebrow inquisitively. "Marking you, nemesis?"


I chuckle. "I didn't mark anyone. I was just helping you get rid of that psycho of yours."

"Don't lie, Vaughn." She moves to stand in front of me and points a finger at my chest. "You can't just go around stating your claim over me. I'm not yours!"

I grab hold of her finger and drag her to me, clashing our bodies together. I put an arm around her waist, holding her in place as she starts to pull away.

If she thinks that I am here to state a claim then fine — I will state my claim.

"You know what's your problem?" I trail a finger over her cheekbone and hear her hitch a breath as our eyes meet. "You speak the wrong words at the wrong time. You want me to state that you're mine? Then I'll do just that."


She heaves and I take the moment of her distraction to lean forward and press my lips to her shoulder, knowing that the sneaky pairs of eyes watching us behind the gates will find that action interesting.

She smells of vanilla today and I inhale a breath, loving the scent of her. A flood of desire rushes through me. If she smells this good with all her clothes on, then I can't help but wonder what she hides underneath all those layers.

"You smell delicious, Claire," I whisper against her neck. "I think I'll enjoy tasting you. I'll take my time, go slow perhaps.."

She pushes me hard and I let her go. She rubs the spot where my lips touched her and I smile amusedly at her actions.

"I hate you, Jackson." The tip of her little nose turns a bright shade of pink. "You love making new enemies, don't you?"

"Of course, I do!" I grin. "Enemies never let you forget how powerful you are."

"Damn it, Jackson!" She stomps her feet angrily. She hates losing arguments with me. "You have an answer for everything."

"Calm down, Claire. It isn't that big of a deal."

"It is to me," she states. "I can't have you barging into every area of my life and ruining everything for me."

"I got rid of Mason Holiday for you. You should thank me."

"Thank you? Where has that ever gotten me?" she snorts, looking away. "Where did it get Chris?"

There is a ring in my ears at the sound of Chris's name on her lips. She has never spoken to me freely about her brother and we try to avoid talking about the accident as much as possible but I know that she is still furious with me. That's one thing she will never forgive me for. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I was in her place.

The fun element of the conversation vanishes abruptly. "I don't want to talk about him," I say, avoiding her eyes. "Just get in the car."

"I won't."

"Get in the car or I'll carry you in."

"You can't," she argues. "I weigh a hundred and eight pounds."

I lift a corner of my lips and her eyes widen instantly. Before she can escape, I grab her by her waist with one hand and put another arm under her knees, picking her up. Her body fits perfectly within my arms.

Do hell with a hundred and eight pounds! Claire Hill was made for me.

"Let me go, Jackson!"

She kicks her legs in the air as I open the car door and place her in the seat. She keeps shoving at me as I grab the seat belt for her, snapping it shut around her body.

"Never challenge me again."

I shut the door and press a button on the car's key to lock it so that she doesn't escape. I walk around to the driver's side and get in after unlocking it again.

"This is kidnapping! I'll call the cops."

I start the car as I laugh. "What can I say, nemesis? I'm a wicked man."

"You'll burn in hell," she announces, pulling her knees up to the seat and looking out of the window as we drive out of the street.

"You'll burn with me, darling."

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