A Craving

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The bare girl starred back at me. Her eyes bloodshot red, her ice blue iris's the most vived I have ever seen before. Her once lushious blonde locks were now a tangled hay mess.  Her full lips chapped and dry, with cracks so deep they started to bleed. Her skin was pale, looking transparent from the way you could see her indigo veins. These veins crawled and covered her body like ivy vines, twisting around her limbs which felt like poison eating her body away. They all lead the way to skin above her heart. There rested a patch of blue blood. Sitting on her skin like an eerie bruise. The pain that errupted from her heart had her snow white teetch grinding together, in attempt to not scream bloody murder. Her nimble finger griped the sink. She furiously shut her eyes, trying to blind the pain, but her heart ached menacingly. A single crimson tear ran down her sunken cheek. She stayed as still as humanly possibly, waiting. A rich aroma filling her, her dry mouth starting to water at the faint taste. Just being a statue for several moments.

Until, finally, her eyes snapped open. Her blood stained face was stone. As her pupils slowly dialted. Then the girl in the mirror pushed herself away. A craving inside myself.

Her steps were rapid but silent, as her strides grew longer and longer to her desired prey. Her ghostly figue swept through the halls of the giant mansion, resembling a scene of a haunting. The night that was usually filled with crickts whispering and frogs singnig was dead. A knowledge for the forest. Her nude feet made a light padding as she suddenly stopped infront of an old wooden oak. Her pasty hand pushed the door open, causing the ancient hinges to cry out in pain to let her enter. The clouds hid the moon behind them. Only a blackness that wasn't there for the young girl. Her eyes blinked once, seeing a figure tossel under the white silk sheets. The rich scent hurt her throat, scratching it like a torch. Her breaths turned into a raspy inhale, almost choking her.

His hazel eyes fluttered opened, feeling something move around him.

"Babe," he groggily whispered, blinking once and twice, "what are you doing up?"

A silence answered him, as he felt the weight of the woman straddling him, only seeing her silhouette of her frigid frame. His hands reached out for her nimble fingers and flinched at the touch. She was colder then ice.

"Are you okay," he questioned, the jolt of her skin awaking his senses. His body sat up, his face only inches away from his. Then he heard her breathing. It sent a chill down his spine. The clouds cleared from a howling wind, and silver lighting spilled into his room. The girls white skin almost glowed in the luminous light. The indigo vines crawling across her visable, and the bruise on her heart stomach dropping. Blood smeared across her face. But what caught his breath were her eyes. Brighter then the moon, the blood clotting them, the dark rings hanging around her eyes, and the way she gazed at him. A lust in her star. Half desire half animal.

Her chest heaved heavily out and in as she continued to inhale the scent under her nose. Her lifeless lips caressed his warm lushious lips, as he was strickened with fear. She slowly kissed his mouth, making her way down to is soft spot at the corner of his jaw. Then draging her tongue down to his jugular. Her lungs inhaled the scorching aroma and something flickered in her. Her pupils widened at the turn, and then with no sign her teeth furiously sunk into the handsome young mans neck.

Before Awakened Senses the Shiloh Vendetta SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now