chapitre six.

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chapter six; the stargazers.

⎯ ⋆☼∗✩ ⎯corbyn bessontoday   8:49pm

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corbyn besson
today 8:49pm

daniel seavey
what ever happened in the stargazers

corbyn besson
what do you mean

daniel seavey
the one book you were writing at the
end of college

daniel seavey
the one about the childhood friends that
were supposed to go on this whole journey
just to end up finding their way back to
each other

daniel seavey
i wasn't around to find out the ending

corbyn besson
ohhh yeah, i think i made it so that they
went to different colleges and the distance
tore them apart after awhile, but after a
few years they reconnected somehow.

corbyn besson
but after a night of stargazing they
realized they were the only
person they have ever truly loved

corbyn besson
it was just supposed to be a cliché
thing, i'm pretty sure at least, i
haven't touched any college work in
a while

daniel seavey
one day i can read it all for myself
and fill in the hazy gaps :)

daniel seavey
do u still write original stuff? or just
for your papers now

corbyn besson
no i still write stories here and there,
only when i think of ideas for it,
research and prep just take so much

daniel seavey
you were always so good at writing

daniel seavey
i really am so happy that you got ur
big jobs, you deserve it so much

corbyn besson
i'm so happy where i am now

corbyn besson
i do enjoy writing stories a bit more
than articles, but i feel like i'm right
where i'm supposed to be

corbyn besson
and you were always so passionate
about music, i'm sure writing and
producing is going amazing for you

daniel seavey
i absolutely love it

daniel seavey
and i'm always learning new things
about it and the industry, one minute
i'm certain i know everything and then
another producer walks in and teaches
me ten new things

corbyn besson
music seems like such a cool field

daniel seavey
it is it is

daniel seavey
i wish there was more to talk about
than just work

daniel seavey
but i never know what else to say

corbyn besson
daniel there's a thousand other things
to talk ab between us including how
we split up and ended up at this stage
in our lives in the first place but we both
refuse to acknowledge how u left me

corbyn besson

corbyn besson
told u about the time realization though

daniel seavey
that's true

daniel seavey
still a crazy thought
read 9:00pm

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