"Shut up, fag!" John's voice boomed.

Christian suddenly let go of his arm only for a vice like grip to grab hold of it a moment later and he knew those hands belonged to John.

"You're that Novak boy hanging around my son, aren't you?" John questioned, twisting his arm further behind his back causing Cas to hiss in pain.

"In the words of a good friend. Bite me." Cas spat, but immediately regretted it.

A split second later, John snapped his arm on an angle that was not natural before the sound of bone crunching filled the air followed by Castiel's pained screams.

John wasted no time and lifted him up, pinning him against the garage door and the last thing Cas saw was a fist flying towards his face before everything turned black.


"You sure Bobby doesn't mind us staying the night to study? We could stay at my house." Jo suggested from the driver seat.

"Bobby is cool with it. Don't wanna bother your mother." Dean replied from where he was sitting in the backseat of her car, Lee sitting shotgun.

"You afraid of my mother?" She asked, glancing in the revision mirror at him with an amused smirk.

"I think so."

Lee nearly choked on his water as he laughed before Dean kicked the back of his seat.

"Easy, Winchester. You want me to spill water on these chemistry study cards?" Lee questioned, motioning towards the stack of paper in his lap with his water bottle.

"We both know you're terrified of Ellen too." Dean responded.

Lee looked over his shoulder at him, "I am not."

"Oh, that's bullshit." Jo commented causing Dean to burst out laughing as Lee flipped him off.

"I hate you both." He muttered, rolling his eyes.

"I'm literally carrying your fucking baby, you love me." Jo replied, resting her hand over her very pronounced baby bump before she turned down Bobby's driveway.

"I can't believe you're going to parents in a few weeks. Lee Webb is going to be a father, I still can't believe that." Dean said in astonishment.

"Hey, I'm going to be the best dad, just wait and see." Lee said confidently as he reached over and rubbed his hand over Jo's stomach.

"I know. You'll be a great-" Dean began to reply, but stopped when he glanced out the window and noticed the garden beds all ripped up.

Before Dean could really process what he was looking at Jo suddenly slammed on the breaks and that's when he saw Cas and Bobby lying on the ground outside the garage and his heart stopped.

Dean was out the car before Jo or Lee even removed their seatbelts and sprinted across the dirt driveway.

"Cas! Bobby!" He shouted dropping to his knees beside his boyfriend.

There was a deep bruises over the side of his face, but he didn't miss how Cas' arm was sprawled out beside him on an angle that made his stomach turn.

"Call 911! Go, now!" Dean ordered, glancing over his shoulder towards the young couple.

Jo ran towards the house to get a phone despite her heavily pregnant form as Lee knelt beside Bobby to check on him.

"Cas. Cas!" Dean pleated, his voice breaking at the end as he cupped the mans face with his hands. "Cas, sweetheart. Wake up, please."

Slowly, Cas' eyes fluttered opened, squinting at the light. His blue eyes glazed over as he stared up at him in confusion and Dean knew Cas definitely had a concussion as well as other injuries. God, where was that ambulance?

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