Chapter Fifty Nine

Start from the beginning

I moved up beside Maddie, knowing she was going to burst into fresh tears and hugged her tight.

I knew it. I knew something like this would happen.

"Maddie, can I have your phone?"


"I'm telling her never to contact you again. Phone, please?"

Maddie handed me her phone, watching as I scrolled to her number and pressed call.

Her husband answered.

"Maddie, your mum's not in any fit state to talk, I-"

"It's not Maddie, it's Jakob."

"Jakob." He repeated. "You're the eldest."

"Yeah. Just do me a favour and make sure your wife never contacts my sister again. I don't care if she drank the entire wine contents of Italy. Keep her away."

I hung up before he could answer and gave Maddie her phone back, hugging her again. I glanced down as Maddie tapped away on her phone, watched her delete the number I had just called and turn her phone off altogether. "You were right. I should've listened to you." She cried.

"Don't. Mads."

We sat in silence for a long time. Maddie's crying dying off, along with my anger. Well, a little bit.



"I'm gonna go and say sorry to dad."

"There's no need. I'll fill him in if you want." I said as she sat up off me. She shook her head.

"I want to."

"Okay... I know you won't believe me but... I'm sorry she turned out - I'm - I didn't want this to happen. As much as I didn't like the idea of her being around... I'm just sorry. Everyone needs a mum."

"Who needs a mum when you've got an amazing dad and a protective big brother?" Maddie said quietly, nudging my shoulder before quickly exiting the room.


You awake babe? Xx

I sent the text to Perrie at nearly one in the morning. Ellie had stayed out with her friend, and Maddie and my dad had gone to bed ages ago, along with Alfie, who had stumbled in less than an hour previously practically half asleep anyway.

Maddie had insisted on changing the subject and refused to talk about that cow all night, so I had filled her in on mine and Perrie's possible plans for after the tour. She had been just as chilled out as the rest of my family, but I thought she'd have more questions when she had less on her mind. I didn't think she fully understood yet.

My phone buzzed with an incoming call from Perrie and I smiled to myself, reclining on my bed before answering.

"You are still up then."

"I am. Is everything okay?"

"Sort of."

"What happened before?"

"What I expected to happen eventually." I sighed. "I knew she'd end up upsetting her. Basically the witch got hammered and told Maddie she never cared about her, she just wanted to rub me up the wrong way. Then she threw her out."

"You're joking me!"

"Nope. She's gutted and I'm furious, but I don't want to talk about that now."

"Oh? What do you want to talk about then?"

"You. I'm really sorry about before."

"It wasn't your fault babe!"

Nothing Else Matters - Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now