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3rd person POV

"What" mew asked him he thought he was hearing stuff

"I said I'm pregnant" gulf grumbled

"What"this time it was Alex

"I said I'm pregnant geez" gulf yelled Alex and mew stared at each other before they both jumped up doing thier handshake

Mew looked at gulf and picked him up jumping around happily

"Oiii mew put me down" gulf laughed as mew kept circling around in circles happily 

"Oiii mew put me down" gulf laughed as mew kept circling around in circles happily 

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"Boo calm down I'm getting dizzy" gulf laughed harder and mew finally set him down

Both alexander and mew started to pepper gulfs face with kisses to show how happy they both were then mew finally spoke

"Sleep you need lots of sleep I read about it" mew said carrying gulf bridal style to the room tucking him in

"But I'm not tired" gulf frowned

"Doesn't matter alexander bring me my computer" mew said and Alex nodded his head running to the front room grabbing mews computer before running back handing it to him

"Sleep now" Alex told gulf

Gulf pouted and forced himself to sleep when mew and alexander ordered some books about pregnancy

A few hours later gulf woke up to soft caressing's on his stomach and light kisses here and there

"Hello baby or babies I am you father hehe don't be to much on you mama na he needs to be healthy I hope there are three of you but I can deal with two"

"And I alexandewr youwr bwrothewr don't give my papa a hawrd time please I'm so excited I can't wait fowr you to be bowrn I finally can have someone to play with besides papa so he can sleep" he heard alexander then both kissed his stomach softly before rubbing it

"Daddy thwree is to many" Alex said

"Nope if I could have more I would but I don't want there to be complications when he gives birth to them I need there mama to be alive as well" mew responded to alexander

Alexander nodded and both continued to rub gulfs stomach and gulf slowly felt himself going back to sleep

Alexander nodded and both continued to rub gulfs stomach and gulf slowly felt himself going back to sleep

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My Mute Soulmate |Mewgulf| *complete* Where stories live. Discover now