No one

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3rd person POV

• 1 D A Y L A T E R •

"Your lying"

"I'm not that's why I need your help so I can get him tonight"

"Uh uh we'll help" bright said to him

"Ok bye bye" mew said to him then he ended the phone

"We got them too alexander they said they'll help us set it up" mew whispered to alexander

"Ok I already bought the flowers" mew spoke out remembering the things he needed tonight

"Food daddy food" alexander reminded him

"Uhhh I already got it half spicy and half not what else"

"Chocolate" alexander said and mews eyes went wide

"Chocolate yes how could I forget his favorite come come we need to go to the store" mew said putting on his shoes when he got a call

"Put your shoes on while I answer this" he told alexander who nodded putting on his shoes

"Hello" mew answered the call

"We finished" kao said over the video call showing everyone sweating drinking water

"Let me see"

"No you will have to wait" fluke and earth spoke

"Uhh whatever did bright and win get there yet to help with the food" mew asked and they all nodded and put the camera on bright and win

"I'm telling you mew you better have gulf back here and official be boyfriend's or I'll kill you myself" Kaownah warned and everyone agreed

"Aww guys you know I can fire you all" mew smirked

"Fuck you" they all screamed sticking up the middle finger at him before Kao ended the call

Mew chuckled when he saw gulf standing in front of him

"Shit" he cursed

"What" gulf asked

"Oh nothing me and Alex are going to the store" mew said accidentally telling him where they were going

"Oh really can I go" gulf asked

"NO" mew screamed

"Why" gulf pouted

"Because we getting a gift for you and you can't see" Alex said and mew face palmed while Gulf just nodded

"Why" he asked


"Because daddy has supwrise" Alex said tying his shoe

"What kind of surprise...don't waist money..on me" gulf says and mew glared at Alex

"Oui it's not that expensive pwretty man just wait and see" Alex said and grabbed mews hand walking out

"Really" mew said looking at Alex once they got in the car and started driving

"What was I supposed to lie" alex asked and mew shook his head turning on some music

They got the biggest bag of chocolate and some other things before they went to where everyone else was

"Wow" mew voiced looking at what everyone had put together

"Wow" mew voiced looking at what everyone had put together

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