i put in my password and it took me to the regular windows screen, i open chrome and click on the bookmark i had saved for ranboo's twitch channel and quickly switch to my channel icon in the corner and click the "Go Live!" button, choosing a name and category and playing my starting music. i pull up the script i had and look over it one last time, putting it away and look back at stream.

{ CHAT }




flick881 no.

user2 flick really just said no ❤️



i look at the viewer count as well.

109,881 viewers

not helping my anxiety at all. i take a deep breath and crack my fingers, logging onto the smp and seeing the others type in chat. i put a 5 minute timer on my stream screen and prepare for the upcoming lore. silently getting into a vc with ranboo tommy and tubbo, i mute and listen in on their conversation.

(bold is ranboo, italics is tommy, underlined is tubbo, regular is adonia.)

"no no you don't get it- tommy, the ghost could help us-" ranboo started, trying to convince tommy into letting me help them for their plan to kill dream.

"i understand fine! that weird ghost you found can't be trusted- you can't just go trusting random ghosts, ranboo!"

"i say we get to know them more then decide?" tubbo suggests. 

"tubbo's right. we could use the extra help." ranboo agrees. tommy groans.

"fine. if this ghost turns out to be some psychotic serial killer, don't come running to me!" tommy says.

i join in, unmuting my microphone.

"i really doubt anyone will be running to you then."


"hey there! where are you right now?" ranboo questioned, looking at his coordinates.

"i'm right by the same spruce tree you found me at. should i head over to you guys or-"

"no, it's fine! we'll come over to you. stay where you are." okay then. guess i'll stay here. i sigh and say okay, sitting down and looking around at my surroundings. i slowly see ranboo around the corner, followed by the small goat boy and a new person, who seemed to have pale blonde hair and torn up clothing. weird.

"hi!" ranboo says as soon as he sees me. 

"hello there!" i reply. the small goat boy has to look up at me as i stand up. i laugh at him and he puffs his ears up in response, ramming his head into me. the blonde boy in the back looks at me and rolls his eyes. he looks about 5'12, maybe 6'0. 

"so we should probably get started on introducing ourselves- how about you go first?" ranboo says looking at me. i nod.

"okay then- hello, my name is.. adonia, and i am a ghost if you couldn't already tell."

"i'm tommy." is all the bl- tommy says.

"i'm tubbo, and i have nukes!" tubbo says, suddenly holding nukes. ranboo makes some sort of inverted noise and hides behind tommy, who gives a very high pitched scream. i laugh at them and ranboo scolds tubbo to put his nukes away. tubbo pouts and puts them away. tommy is staring at him wide eyed and was behind ranboo now. 

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