The Sorcerers Stone (Part 1)

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"Miss Matthews, will you be attending my class today? Or are you too busy conversing?" Professor McGonagall's words were sharp, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes as she approached Thea and Draco.

"I'll be right in, Professor." Thea smiled politely "I was just pointing out the fastest way to get to Defense Against the Dark Arts from here for Draco."

Draco's face morphed into one of surprise, why was the American girl he'd been insulting not telling her head of house?

"Hmm," Professor McGonagall hummed "Very well, why don't you escort him to his next class. It wouldn't do to be late on your first day, Mr. Malfoy."

"Certainly, Professor." Thea chirped "It would be my pleasure. Come on, Draco, the DADA classroom is this way."

Her hand rested on Draco's shoulder and she steered him through the throngs of students towards a staircase.

Draco shook her hand off "Why did you do that?" He demanded.

"You may not be very nice, but you don't know any better." Thea shrugged "I think that treating people kindly helps them in the future. But, if you would rather I got you in trouble on your first day I think we can make that happen."

Draco huffed "Well, I certainly don't need your help finding the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. I'm more than capable of reaching it on my own." He started down a different flight of stairs.

"Whatever you say." Thea called "But you're going the wrong way."

Draco paused, heaving a deep sigh he turned to face Thea again "And which way do you suggest I go?"

Thea smiled "I know a shortcut."


Thea was reading in a corner of the Gryffindor common room when she heard the Fat Lady's portrait swing open accompanied by heavy breathing and several sets of loud footsteps rushing through. Glancing up from her book, Thea was greeted by the stunned faces of Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Ron, all red in the face and gasping for breath.

Thea sighed and closed her book "I feel like I don't actually want to know the answer to this question, but I'm gonna ask it anyways. Where were you?"

"" Harry floundered.

"We were just..." Hermione struggled.

Neville wheezed and Thea grabbed a glass and filled it with water for the poor boy.

"Ron?" Thea frowned as she handed the drink to Neville "Where were you?"

Ron glanced nervously at Harry and Hermione before ducking his head "Malfoy challenged Harry to a wizards duel. But he tipped off Filch and we had to run for it."

"Ron!" Hermione admonished.

"Mm-hmm? What else?" Thea hummed.

Ron groaned "How do you always know there's more?"

"I deal with your brothers on a daily basis. There's always more."

"There's a massive three-headed dog in the third floor corridor." Ron sighed "We may have accidentally hid from Filch in there."

"A cerberus?" Thea's eyebrows knitted together "That's odd. Are any of you hurt?"

They all shook their heads.

"And you weren't caught?" Thea checked.

"No." Harry spoke up.

"Well, then," Thea clapped her hands "Congratulations on your first successful sneak out. I'm impressed."

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