Chapter One: April 12, 1912

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I was in my cabin, looking at one of the books that I brought with me, it wasn't my favorite, unfortunately Cal and the women who is my mother, my now ex fiancee, got rid of that one. I had ran from them 1 day ago. Thomas helped me. I still went to the dining hall with the first class, people, but stayed out of site of Cal and mother. There was a familiar knock on the door. I opened the door hesitantly.

"Rose. Mr. Cal has been looking for you, you need to come with me!" Lovejoy said, before I slammed the door in a panic. I was trying to take deep breaths. I was shaking. I was hoping that it was Thomas knocking... Wait where was he? He should be here... This was the time he usually came to check on me.

"I'm sure he's on the way..." I thought. Another knock, sent me to the door. This door particularly had a peep hole, so I can look out. I don't know why I didn't when Lovejoy knocked. I saw it was Charles Lightoller and Harold Lowe, cautiously I opened the door. They were 2 of the officers, the fifth and Second, that Thomas trusted, and both Thomas and I were instructed to call them by their first name, unless we were around others, and vice versa. "Rose, are you alright?" Harold asked. "Where is Thomas? This isn't your round..." I asked, causing Charles to say "He is fine. He just went down to the third class, and promised to come to you after."

"Can you two help me? Do one of you have keys to Thomas's room?" I asked. Charles said "I do. He gave me a spare to give to you if and when you need it." I said "excellent. Can one of you take this bag to his room, please and the other one take me to him in third class?" Charles said "I'll take the bag, Harold you take her down to third class please." I smiled and said "thank you." Harold took me down to the third class, but on the last flight of stairs08 we hit a rouge wave, and I felt myself fall down the steps."

"Oh no! Miss are you alright?" I heard a Male voice thick with an Italian accent. "Can you get Thomas Andrews? Tell him to meet us in the dining area..." Harold said, as we went to the area, his arm keeping me steady as I limped as holding my arm against my body, where Thomas was apparently. "Harold... Rose?!" Thomas's voice said as soon as he spotted us. I ran over to him as his arms collapsed around me. "What happened?" He asked, noticing I yelped when my body pressed against his.

"Lovejoy found her... But Charles and I arrived promptly. Charles is moving her things to your cabin, and I was to bring her here." Harold started. "We hit the rouge wave and she took a fall down the last bit of stairs... one of the Italian third class passengers, tried to help us, but I knew the best thing to do was to ask him to get you, and to meet us here. I wasn't aware you were working in here..." Harold explained, as Thomas helped me sit, and pulled another chair to elevate my legs. "Thanks for bringing her down." Thomas said as the Italian passenger came in. "Mr... Oh I see they found you."

Thomas looked up, and said "Fabrizio, thank you." I smiled politely, as Fabrizio said "Her ankle looks a little swollen..." I looked to my ankle, frowning, Which is when Thomas noticed. "Harold, go see which doctor is on duty. I'd prefer Dr. Simpson. I've spoken to him in confident, before. Tell him Rose and I will be stopping on our way back up." Harold nodded and said "Very good." He left, as Thomas said "Fabrizio, do you know where they keep the ice and stuff? I want to get her ankle encased in ice to help the swelling... maybe her arm too..." Fabrizio said "I'll go find some." He ran off as Thomas said "I'm sorry love. I'll finish up soon. Maybe another 15 minutes." I nodded, as Fabrizio returned, with two other men. "Here we got the ice." Fabrizio, managed to get them secured on my ankle, while the two others managed to get the rest secured on my arm. "There. We can sit with her Thomas, if you wanted to get back to work." One of the men offered, he had a thick Irish accent. "Thank you Tommy, I appreciate it." Thomas quickly finished what he had to do before returning. "Hey Me and the guys were talking, and if you need some assistance in keeping her safe, We'd be delighted to offer our services." The other man stated. Thomas smiled and said "Thank you, I will talk to her about it, after we get her ankle, and arm checked out. I'll let you know. Thank you Jack."

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