Part 10

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Tommy just turns and smirks at Niki “ You gonna be at the big dinner this week?" "Of course I will be, Just let me fix up some things here and I'll be good to go for a bit" She says. Someone walks up to the front of the crowd and says "So Tommy is the God of Creation and Niki is an angel of some form. Dream knew about this and TimeDeo is friends with all of them and is somewhat like a manager to Tommy, Also there is a big dinner in a week. I call Bullshit." Dream just turns and says " I didn't just know about it. I'm one of 'Tommys' best friends and I'm the God of Death. So watch what you say George." Tommy walks up to the frustrated Dream looking at George and Sapnap upsetly. 

Dreamsmp Gods (Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora