Prince of Fitness

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Hello again. Hoped you liked the first part. You now meet mysterious Adrian smith and I hope you like him.


It was half an hour before dawn and I was to meet the prince of fitness as he was apparently called.

I was still sleepy eyed and bedraggled. My hair probably had some birds in it and my clothes were crumpled from lying on the floor of my closet. No time to iron.

My train of thought was interrupted by a very loud and insistent Harley Davidson. On it rode a figure dressed in full Ducati leathers, the most expensive I've been told.

It parked next to my dull Ford and the figure gracefully stepped off the bike.

When the figure took off its helmet I finally realised it was a man ... and a VERY good looking one at that.

His chiseled features gave way to a hard and unforgiving mouth. But about were the most bluest eyes I had ever seen. Those combined with his golden brown curly locks made him look like a desirable sex god. I recognized those beautiful looks immediately and nodded to him in acknowledgment. The pictures did him no justice as I kept staring at his face.

He then looked me straight in the eye and asked whether I was ready. I hastily told that I was and tried not to stare as he slowly took off his leathers and shirt to reveal a smooth and marble chest.

Many of my friends loved hairy chests. I didn't, I hated it. His upper body was Toned and golden with his abs easily seen and well defined.

I jumped out of my thoughts guiltily. Are you not with a cute and real gentleman already? I mentally scolded myself but still glanced one or two times his way. His abs were so defined and his biceps were just so ... Gorgeous. He was gorgeous.

He is also another guy who is NOT Peter I again scolded myself.

So busy was I with my thoughts I did not hear him come up behind me. I only knew it when he lay a giant and firm hand on my shoulder. Because I was rather a petite woman next to him and his hands were large they were brushing low on my cleavage. It sent shivers down my spine and I struggled to move away rather than sink into his embrace. I was so confused with my reaction although I had only spoken a few words to him I felt we were destined to be together. What?! Now I was seriously confused and wanting him to touch me even more. He Lear down next to my face and I could feel his warmth breath sending tingles down my spine. It smelt of strawberries, my favorite fruit.

I finally did pull away with enormous willpower and effort. I turned around to look him in the eye. Now that he was close up I could easily see that he was a round 6 feet tall. A down side of him being closer was that now every beautiful feature of his face was close enough to touch and strike. His curly hair was close enough for me to run my hands through while I reached up to kiss ... Wait. Again I was running off with these strangely desiring thoughts.

Unconsciously I was raising my hand to feel his rippling chest when I came out of my reverie. To cover for the half raised hand I hastily thought of an excuse.

"I always start my sessions with a hi five. It uh encourages, yeah encourages the um client to feel like they are with ... Someone who uh will be with them the whole way?"

You are such an idiot jasmine. He probably thinks your a retard already.

Slam! His hand pressed against mine in a hi five.

"Alright Jasmine, let's do it."

He had a smile on his face as though he could read my thoughts. I sincerely hoped he couldn't.

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