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Hello everyone, this is my first story and this is the first chapter or part. Please let me know If I could improve and thank you for reading :)


"5 more push ups ... Come on, I know you can do it!"

Just another day with me, yelling encouragement to an overweight lady struggling to complete my personal training regime.

I only took women as my clients because men were just too stuck up and cocky. Besides, they all ogled when they thought I wasn't looking. Talk about ogling...

I looked to my right and about twenty meters away I saw Peter, my colleague staring back at me. I quickly looked away, blushing furiously only to find Kate my client staring at me with a knowing look in her eye.

"You know Jasmine," Kate started saying to me, panting in between her words,

"Before I put on the weight I was quite a man-eater and if I do say so myself that is quite a catch you have there."

The unwanted heat again flooded my cheeks.

"Excuse me? What do you mean?"

I asked, hoping she would utter just three words that I desperately wanted to hear.

"He likes you ... I thought it was obvious dear. You obviously like him, so give him a sign that you acknowledge his affections and you can get things started!"

Those were the three words, HE LIKES YOU. I liked him for sure and I was hoping I wasn't imagining him looking at me all the time.

One thing for sure, Kate didn't waste time with HER supposed dates of plenty. But I took her advice anyway and planned for the right moment.

As my session with Kate ended I walked up to Peter as we both headed to our lockers to get our belongings. I took time to steady my nerves and roam my eyes over him for the millionth time.

I was conscious of his almost predatory walk and his long bleach blond hair that was perfectly tousled thanks to his pot of gel. I moved down from his hair to his eyes which were a hazel green with spots of brown around the edges. His body was toned and his muscles were there but just didnt pop out like models and such. Almost immediately he turned to look at me and I panicked. I stammered out,

"Peter, I umm ... Well I was wondering whether ... I was sort of hoping ..."

"Would you like dinner Friday night at 8 Jazz? At that place you said you loved ... Alfalfa? No it was Alfino that's right."

I dropped my jaw, NOBODY knew my favorite restaurant except for my closest friends.

My friends are, to say the least, sex crazy and lunatics. And I was being soft on them. There was Sammy who had a thriving relationship with a businessmen, Zara who was single ad a man eater who never had a relationship longer than a week and finally there was Lauren who was lesbian.

When I first met Lauren I liked her but I interpreted every single word she said to be hitting on me. I finally had gathered the courage to ask her whether she like me. She laughed and told me I wasn't her type.

I felt so embarrassed but ever since all of us girls have been inseparable.

Maybe he had overheard us, and then I remembered the joke and giggled, Alfalfa! Hehe. Then I realised that I had laughed about 20 seconds after joke. Awkward.

Before he could retreat with the offer thinking I was an idiot I fervently said yes and on the drive home I had a goofy smile plastered on my face.

On the drive home I thought about the relationship that had started with Peter. MY Peter. The thought made me feel warm.

The next day was my day off so I planned to sleep in. In my dreams I imagined all of the possible outcomes of the date with Peter. I had gone through some pretty bad scenarios already, making me cringe in my sleep. I finally got to a good one (I could tell because I hadn't tripped over the rug as I had in all te others) and was about to kiss him when my mobile rang.

I woke up disoriented and staring at my clock on the wall. The fact that if was still dark was not good, it meant the call was an emergency.

Had my sister died? Had my cat been found torn in half by a train? I started to hyperventilate. But the phone rings seemed to be getting angrier by the second so I picked up and was only marginally relieved to hear it was my boss.

Marginally because it meant my family and cat were safe but I still didn't like it because this guy had been hitting on me since I started work.

"Hello? Jasmine it's an emergency." Ha! I got that bit right.

"Jasmine that fitness fanatic and billionaire Adrian Smith, he wants to see the best personal trainer we have and if we are good enough he will fund us for one year. Which means I can pay for a hundred dates with you."

"Annnnd?! Seriously Tim it's 2:30 in the morning and you expect me to figure things out for myself? Tell me already! And just no to the date thing."

"Now Jazz ..."

"Don't call me that Tim."

I did not want my boss who keeps hitting on me use the nickname that Peter uses. Peter says it kindly and slightly lovingly now we are going out but to let my pervert of a boss use the same word for me? No way.

"Fine, don't freak out at me but you are the Best fitness trainer we have and I want you to train him."

"Tim you know I don't do men!"

"You lesbian then? Do you DO women? Is that why you reject me? You know I am quite a chick magnet."

"Just shut up Tim. Will I get extra pay?"


"Fine, its a deal. Oh and let me guess I start his training today on my day off at dawn?" Resignation filled my tone.

"Actually no you get to have your day off ... Just kidding yeah you were right."

Then he hung up. I contemplated what Tim had said.

I got my laptop from my desk in the study and turned it on. As it hummed into life I typed into Google Adrian Smith.

I clicked on images to see what he looked like. My feeling of boredom was completely replaced by shock.

No way could a mere human man look so much like a damn God of well, God of Love he could probably be. He was so beautiful and even that was an understatement.

I tore my eyes away from his killer body and looked at the information on him.

He was known as the Prince of Fitness, he had an offer to sponsor a personal training hub for a year as Tim said. He was known to be uninterested in women. When asked by newsreaders he replied that none caught his attention or were witty his time.

I was slightly happy at that, at least he wouldn't ogle me. I mean I guessed thousands of women would have thrown themselves at him for his looks and money. Why would plain old me be any better? Besides I was with Peter now. Even the thought brought a smile to my lips.

I looked further and found he had both parents. Seriously it seemed he had everything I didnt, money, looks and parents!

My mum and dad had died in a car accident. It was only when I was three and they had read the will to me the. Naturally I have forgotten what was in it and I didn't want to see it again.

I brought my mind back to the challenge of Prince Fitness Adrian Smith.

So, I guess challenges are good right? I was hoping that wouldn't turn out to be the least accurate statement of the century.


Please comment and I know it was short but this is my first story so please comment!

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