Form for Cover

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Don't request for unpublished books or discontinued books!

If you are requesting for an upcoming book, you should publish it within a week or it will be moved to premade covers that are free to use for anybody.


Fill the form clearly and dm me your social media Id if you aren't comfortable sharing it here.

1.Rules followed?

2. Author's name:

3. How you want your cover or If you have any idea for your cover(I don't read minds, so tell me what you want CLEARLY!)

4. Mature or Innocent cover (as in the clothing of the face claim)

5. Theme (colors)

6. Face claim:

7. Anime or Normal cover

8. Your Instagram id - (only for sharing pictures. It is convenient for me as I want your opinion on the background picture before editing the title.)

9. Mail Id (if Insta id is given, email is not needed!)

10. Tag at least 5 friends:


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