Anxiety (Tom Holland)

Start from the beginning

Tom's P.O.V

Tom and Y/N sat in the limo, on their way to the 'Cherry' premiere as they sat there. Tom's heart was almost beating out of his chest, his stomach full of butterflies in anticipation of the night ahead. He absolutely hated premieres, it was just a night of pain and stress for him where he was so focused the entire time on not saying anything stupid, not doing anything silly and not saying anything to piss anyone off that he just never had fun at them. The only thing keeping him even remotely calm right now was the fact that Y/N looked absolutely stunning in the dress that she'd picked out. She looked at him.

"How are you feeling, Tommy?" She checked. He gulped and nodded, his mind trying to figure out if he should lie or tell her the truth. He decided to go with the truth.

"Nervous and sick. But less nervous and sick since you're here." He admitted. She chuckled and bit her lip, his heart jumping at the sound. God, he loved when she laughed.

"I'm glad. Anything that you need throughout the night, just let me know, okay?" She reassured. He nodded and gave her a small smile as he took her hand and the limo came to a stop. He took a deep breath before looking at her again.

"Showtime." He nodded before opening the car door. Immediately, he was met with dozens of camera flashes, making him force the smile onto his lips as he walked around the limo. In reality, he just wanted to go home already and cuddle with Y/N. God, he couldn't get over how good she looked tonight, he thought as he opened the door for her. She gave her a small smile, him returning it as she put her hand into his and let him pull her up. He shut the door and curled his arm around her waist, her arm hooking over his shoulder as he walked them along the red carpet. To Tom's surprise, Y/N being on his arm was actually working in calming him down. He knew that her being there would help him, but he didn't expect for her to do this much. She wasn't even doing anything, just her presence was enough to calm him and that's what was making him think. They stopped at the photos' section, smiles on both of their lips as they looked at the cameras.

"You okay?" Tom mumbled through his smiling teeth.

"Yup. Are you?" She replied. He looked down at her and bit his lip, making her smile.

"Yeah. I'm okay." He nodded. She returned it and smiled again before looking back at the cameras. But Tom's gaze stayed on her. He couldn't help but just admire her, including how absolutely stunning she looked tonight. Her makeup was done amazingly to enhance her natural beauty, her hair was curled to perfection, and that It hugged her body in every right way, the slit up to her left thigh adding the perfect amount of sexiness without the tabloids dragging her through the mud tomorrow for what she was wearing. She looked breathless. And the more that he thought about it, the less he could find anything that he actually didn't like about her. He thought about how she'd always been there for him, laughing and joking alongside him. He thought about how her laugh was like music to his ears, how her smile never failed to light up his life. His eyes widened slightly, his heart starting to thump again as something dawned on him. There was a reason that he felt this way about her. A reason why he'd always felt this way, if he thought about it. A reason why she had always been the only one who could keep him calm. And that reason was that he was in love with her. He gulped, his eyes wavering as he looked down at her. He needed to talk to her about this. He just wished that he could talk to her sooner.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Well, that was eventful." I chuckled, Tom and I wandering into his apartment after having been to the premiere as he shut the door behind us.

"It was. But it was a lot better with you here." He smiled. I bit my lip and looked at him, his hands undoing his tie and the top few buttons of his white shirt as we sat down on the sofa.

"You've been saying that all night. What exactly do you mean?" I asked. He sighed and rested his head against his hand that was propped up against the back of his sofa.

"I mean that you just make me happy. Nothing that you do makes me anything other than happy. You're just perfect, love, and tonight made me realise something." He nodded. My eyes widened slightly, my smile dipping at his words. As sweet as they were, I had no idea where he was going with this, and that scared me.

"Okay. What did it make you realise?" I gulped.

"That I'm in love with you." He admitted. My eyes widened, my breath hitching in my throat at his confession. I couldn't believe it, I felt like I was going crazy. Tom Holland, my best friend and secret crush, hadn't just admitted to me that he loved me back. Surely.

"What?" I gulped as I sat up properly. He nodded and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah. It's completely okay if you don't feel the same, and I'm so sorry if I've just fucked our entire friendship, but I just couldn't stop thinking about you tonight, and it made me realise my real feelings for you. I love you, Y/N. I'm just hoping that you feel the same." He chuckled nervously. I let the smile curl onto my lips, my heart still racing as my mind figured out that yes, this was real. He really did love me. And I loved him back.

"Fuck it." I mumbled before leaning forwards. Tom's eyes widened as I pressed our lips together, but he returned it immediately as he raised his hand to cup my cheek. I smiled into the kiss, his lips feeling even better against mine than I'd ever imagined them to feel. I was in heaven. I broke the kiss and touched our foreheads, making Tom look at me.

"I'm guessing that you feel the same way, then?" He smiled, making me laugh and nod as I bit my lip.

"Honestly, Tommy, I have for years. I've been in love with you for our whole lives, so it feels amazing to hear you say it back." I admitted.

"I'm sorry that it took me so long to figure it out, but I know it now. And I'd love to take you out, as my girlfriend." He nodded. I flicked my eyes over his beautiful face, my mind still in shock that he felt the same way as I did. But this was my new reality, and I already loved it.

"Yes, Tommy. I'd love to be your girlfriend." I smiled. He returned it, making me giggle as I leant in and kissed him again. Who knew that his premiere would end like this? Not that I was complaining.

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