Love blooms in Trinity 💚💙❤️ Chapter 02

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Sawatdee khub Tukhon as you all can see the most handsome guy in our college which is obviously me. I am Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn. I'm a second year Community Arts student. I am not a member of our college's basketball team. But I really love to play basketball. And also good at studies. Overall I am kinda perfect. But obviously I always have a scope to improve myself. Friends? Well I have a lot of friends. But I got 2 friends who I grew up with, my best friends. Tay and Krist. Me and Tay we both know each other from grade 01. When we were in grade 03 we met with an accident, so we had to skip one year of studies. Then we met Krist. We three are best friends till grade 03 to now.
This is Tay Tawan Vihokratna . What can I say about him, he's a idiot. Always puts me in trouble. But obviously he doesn't do all this purposely. And he's a very good guy, he always cares about his close people.
And this is Krist Perawat S.
Well my this friend is also a very good guy. But his problem is his flirty nature which sometimes gets us trouble.(Cause obviously if you flirt with a stranger guy, it'll have consequences)
Wait! What? Shit! I am getting late for class! I gotta run! Bye!
Off fell over Gun
Off : Shit! Don't you ha....( 💭 Shit who's he? So perfectly gorgeous 😍 This cute face and these red plump lips! Ahhhh I wanna kiss these lips so badly! Wait what! No Jumpol! Stop... You can't like him... Specially at first sight)
I stood up.Off : I am sorry Nong! I was in hurry...
Gun : I am sorry too Phi. I'm getting late for class Phi. I gotta go! See you later!
Off : Ummm... See you later nong! (💭 Shit Jumpol don't fall for him!)
Krist P.O.V. :
Today is the first day of our this semester. And because I read in engineering faculty so right now I am giving away name tags to the freshmen. I'm very tired now. Until I saw that junior sitting on the bench. He's looking nervous. But still IDK why he looks so handsome. Dark skin, beautiful jaw, lots of cuteness hidden behind the handsome face... Wait Krist why r u looking at him like this! Stop! Wait no... I can make a good impression on him :-)
K : Watdee nong!
S : Sawadee krub Phi
K : What's your name nong???
S : Singto Prachaya Suppawut krub
K : Beautiful name.My name is Krist Perawat S.
S : Krub Phi.
K : Why you look so nervous, nong???
S : Well today is my first day here and I've heard the hazers are very strict.
K : Don't be scared na nong. We all engineering students have to go through it.
S : Krub Phi.
K : Here. Take this, it'll help you refresh.
S : Thanks krub Phi
K : It's okay krub Nong Singto. BTW you can call me P'Kit.
S : Okay krub P'Kit.
(Ring ring)
K : I gotta go now nong. My friends are waiting for me.
S : Okay krub P'Kit.
K : Okay! See you! Bye!
S : See you later P'Kit :-)
New P.O.V. :
Even though I am a freshman in this faculty of business management. Still cause of my size I look like a senior. Ah maybe I'm too handsome. Whatever I gotta look for my class. Our business management faculty is very big, it's hard for me to find my class...
I think I should ask him... Well he looks handsome. Should I ask him something else? Wait no! Today is my first day at University I can't flirt with a senior at my first day...
N : Phi khub can you please tell where is classroom no. 311???
T : Well... It was there? Right? I don't remember clearly... Wait nong... Lee bro room no 311 is on that corner in second floor, right?
Lee : Yes...
T : Thanks bro! Nong there is the class.
N : Okay krub Phi. Thanks na P' ?
T : Oh I am Tay Tawan Vihokratna. You?
N : New Thitiphoom Suppawut krub.
T : Nice to meet you nong New.
N : Same here P'Tay... Well I gotta go Phi, see you later!
T : See you later.
N : (•‿•)(•‿•)(•‿•) ( He looks perfect expect he's kinda crackhead )

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