happy birthday.....Sargent Prt 2

Start from the beginning

" DEATH , MANWHORE, COME GIVE YOUR FAVORITE PERSON A HUG!" Sadie shouted. " DIE." both Mark and Meredith screamed as they run to hug Sadie. Now all eyes were on them.

*convo between Mark, Sadie and Mer*

S: Happy Birthday DEATH!

M: Thank you Die.

M.S: Now tell us what are you doing here exactly?

S: I'm here for Mer's birthday! So are we going to the Grey-Avery house or what?

M: Yes we are!

As the trio was leaving the PIT, Meredith stopped by Addison and said " I hope to see you there, and eventually in my bed tonight sweetness." She left after leaving Addison flustered and her core throbbing for Mer's touch.



I arrived to the party to see around 100+ people there, including Derek, Callie, Arizona, Cristina, Izzie, Alex and George, I guess Bailey and Richard didn't come because its not particularly there scene. Soon as it is, Meredith comes up to me, and she looks SMOKING HAWT. She has on this red dragon print bikini that ties in the front. Before I could think any longer she snaps me out of my mind saying "Sweetness, are you okay?". I took a moment then I replied " y- yea! I'm fine... but w-why do you keep calling me sweetness?" I said messing with my bag. " Because....." she came closer as she saw Derek approaching. " I enjoy the way your face turn when I say it.' she finishes then proceeds to kiss me for about 10 seconds. It was passionate and hot. When it was done Derek lunges towards me and slapped me saying " WHY ARE YOU KISSING MY GIRLFRIEND YOU SLUTTY WHORE? I-". Before he could say anything else he was on the ground getting punches thrown left and right at him form Meredith. I quickly ran upstairs into a bedroom that seems to be hers. I slammed the door shut and heard. " FIRST, I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND ANYMORE, SECOND SHE IS NOT A SLUTTY WHORE, YOU WERE THE ONE WITH THE SECRET WIFE LAST TIME I RECALL. SO LEAVE US ALONE, AND GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SIGHT." I heard a knock on the door but I didn't answer it because it could be Derek and I was scared he was going to hurt me again. " Addison... Addison.... baby open the door it's me Meredith." I opened the door ever so quickly and fell into her arms and cried. She closed the door and carried me to the bed and she held me until I was calm enough to speak.


Seeing Addison like this broke my heart into pieces. I didn't know what to do so I waited until she calmed down to talk.

A: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you done that.

M: You don't need to apologize, I caused all of this. I'm the one who should be sorry.

A: I-It's fine.

M: I'll make sure he never hurts you again okay.

A: okay, baby.

M: Right! Now lets get you changed so we can celebrate my birthday.


Addison quickly got changed into this blue laced bikini with some white short. When she came out of the bathroom, Meredith said "Wow! Baby you look.... breathtaking. God I could eat you on spot." This comment made Addison turn into a ripe tomato.

They headed back to the party where everyone was enjoying themselves, except for Derek, he grew envy for the two women. They when by the pool and got in, and almost immediately Jackson called to Mer and said " SARGENT GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!" he practically shouted over the loud music. " Me now knowing you were in the military makes you even more attractive." Addison purred in her ears. Meredith grabbed Addison by the waist, dipped me and kissed her for a minute and leaving her to talk to Jackson and April.


"So Mer what was that all about". April said wiggling her eyebrows. " Um well... I... think I'm falling in love with Addison." " Is that a bad thing ." Jackson asked. " No, not really, because she is not married to Derek anymore so..... I think when everyone leaves I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I said in one breath. " Well we will support you no matter what." April said sweetly. "Now then, LET'S HAVE SOME FUN. Jackson shouted.

They all drank, sang Meredith happy birthday, and swimmed for hours. When it was time for everyone to leave, Meredith asked Addison to stay and cuddle with her she didnt deny it. They went upstairs to Mer's room and they showered and got dressed and got in the bed.

M: Addison...I have to ask you a really important question."

A:Okay baby you could ask.

M: Well you know I like you..a-and I'm pretty sure you like me too soo I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend. I understand if you don't want to I mean who would want the ex-. Addison stooped Meredith from rambling by placing a light kiss on her lips.

A: Of course, I would be you girlfriend Meredith. I would love nothing less.

My smiled like a psycho when she said that. I threw myself into her arms and planted kisses all over her face. Her giggles echoed the room.

A: That tickles baby.

M: Oh really that tickles. Are you stating that you are ticklish? I questioned.

A: W-what no. I am n-. She answered to late I was already tickling her. Hearing her laughter is like music to my ears I don't want it to end so I keep it on reply.

A: O-okay baby stop.

I stooped and got off of her and snuggled into her. We laid there in comfortable silence until we feel asleep.

1653 words well. Happy Birthday Mer. Enyways I didn't really know how to finish this chapter so this is it ig. Have a nice day.


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